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(That's Skyler)

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(That's Skyler)

For once, life was more than peaceful, it was absolute heaven. Everything was so simple and it was everything I had dreamed of. The perfect life I had designed when I was 5 and dreamt of having.

Sure there were a few quirks in the plan that I had formed when I was so young and naive. I thought my entire family was gonna be here, but I was wrong. I know they're in my heart though so I'm never worried about missing them anymore.

But I had everything. A family full of people I love and relationships with people that I never thought I would have. I had my husband that I realized I could never live without. I now have my children that are my absolute pride and joy and I would do anything for them.

I had friends that loved me and would do anything for me. They stuck with me through thick and thin and made sure I was loved after everything I've gone through.

I thought living forever was gonna be a curse, but it turns out it's a gift. A gift most people would kill to have. Everything just feels so unreal now and it's like I'm living a dream.


As time went on eventually everyone went back to their lives and left Beacon Hills again beside for a couple of them. Years went on as we all continued to be a big happy family and always seeing each other during the summers and holidays.

Stiles and Lydia are still living in Virginia and Stiles continues to pursue his dream of working in the FBI. Lydia being the genius and overachiever she is, is thinking about opening up a school for supernatural children. Many of us thought she was just messing around but so far, she's proved us wrong. As for the twins, they've grown so much and now they're both 12. You can tell they have their parents looks and I see them any chance I can get.

Allison and Scott are deciding to live their lives to the fullest and traveling around the world and helping rouge supernatural creatures. But they keep saying soon they're gonna settle down, they've been saying that for 2 years now. Allison and I continue to keep a close relationship and the same goes for Scott and me.

Malia and Isaac are happily living together and they're enjoying life together. They moved out of California and they're living in Washington now. Not to mention Malia is pregnant with her first child. Hard to believe Malia as a mom but she actually seems super excited about it. You can just tell Isaac is ecstatic about it.

Derek and Braeden are still together and they finally got married after everything that happened with the Nogitsune. It's the first time I've seen Derek truly happy in a long ass time. He deserves it more than anyone else I know because he's been through so much.

Liam finally found love and they're honestly the most adorable couple ever. Her name is Bella and she is gorgeous and she seems so good for him. She's also a werewolf and at times they clash heads but that's because they're both hotheads. As well, Liam and I still have the best relationship and we see each other a lot more than anyone else because he lives in New York as well.

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