Lives Lost

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"I haven't heard from literally any of them today

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"I haven't heard from literally any of them today." I paced around the apartment with my arms crossed. My phone wasn't working and I haven't heard from anyone in the pack, and say to the least it made me worried.

"Hales, calm down. I'm sure they're all fine." Theo came over and put his hands on my shoulders and faced towards me to stop me from pacing around.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Have you tried to call Scott or Liam?" I locked eyes with Theo and he scoffed.

"Be honest, do you really think either one of them would answer my call?" He said with a quirked eyebrow.

I take a second and the slightly nod my head. "Okay, maybe you're right but still. I swear the hunters took out the communication towers since you can't use your phone either." I get out of his grasp and go over to the table that was in front of the huge window and sit on top of it.

"I haven't heard from Derek since god knows when. How do I know Gerard hasn't done something to him or found him." Theo sighs as he walks back over to me and stands in between my legs and puts his hands on my waist.

"Baby, I promise you. Everyone is okay. Derek is probably off killing someone right now and everyone else is preparing or figuring out how to stop this war." He locks eyes with me to try to get me to calm down.

"I'm scared, Theo." I murmur trying to not catch his gaze. I hated people seeing me like this, vulnerable. "I'm terrified something is gonna happen to you and I'm terrified if something is gonna happen to the others."

I feel him tense up at my words but then I feel his thumb under chin. He lifts my chin up to make me look in his eyes. His eyes are soft but worried, I could tell he was scared too.

"Haley, nothing will happen to us I promise. It'll be all over soon and everyone's gonna be okay. Once this is all over we can finally live life and not have to worry about anything trying to hunt us or kill us." His voice is soft to try and make me feel better. "We can go to London, as you've always wanted too. Then we can move back to New York and eventually start a family of our own." He tells me hopeful wishes that might not even come true.

I take a moment of silence to try and think everything through. "Can you promise me something?" I look at him with hopeful eyes and grab one of his hands that were wrapped around my waist and started playing with his fingers. He looks at me questionably and nods his head. "If something happens to me for some reason, you won't grieve over me for too long and you'll find someone who will make you happy." He scoffs and rolls his eyes and backs away from me, taking his hands off of my waist.

He shakes his head. "Why the hell would I promise something like that? Nothing is gonna happen to you." He starts to get in a more annoyed tone, like he didn't wanna hear what I was saying.

Even with everything still going on, there was one thing I needed to do. Bailey has taken everything away from me. My best friend, my father, my entire life back in New York. He needed to pay and I wish I made him pay sooner and killed him when I had the chance. But I didn't and now my father is dead because of it and I have to live with it. So now it was his turn to pay for it.

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