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"Who the hell is making all that noise down there?" Theo groans next to me in a husky voice

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"Who the hell is making all that noise down there?" Theo groans next to me in a husky voice. I groan and shove my head in my pillow.

"Whoever is it, I'm gonna kill them," I say in a muffled voice since it was muffled against the pillow.

It was early in the morning. I could tell by how the sun shined in on us. I hugged and looked over to the clock to see the time.

9:37 am

"You're actually kidding me," I say in a very annoyed tone. I hear Theo shuffle beside me as he sits up in the bed.

He looks to the clock, like me. "No one should be up this early." He says as I look back at him as he has a scowl on his face.

I sigh and cup his face a peck him on the lips. "Well, good morning, baby." I chuckle lightly as a bright smile erupts on his face.

"Morning, Princess." He says as he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I admire the boy sitting right in front of my face. His messy bed head looked great on him. Especially since his hair was getting longer, it suited him well. His bags under his eyes weren't as purple as mine but they were definitely still there. He was perfection and he's all mine.

I finally stop admiring as I look in his gorgeous blue orbs, that I love so much. "Wanna go see who it is?" I question as he sighs and nods his head.

We both get up and groan. I stretch and moan loudly, like I always do in the morning. I grab Theo's hoodie since I was just wearing a sports bra. I open the bedroom door with him right behind me as we walk down the stairs.

I was still slightly pissed off about yesterday, but he definitely made it up to me last night. But hopefully we wouldn't have to see those girls for the rest of the trip and they don't come back. None of the girlfriends liked them, even Malia who wasn't even Scott's girlfriend.

Alexa, Callie, Katherine, and Tara didn't go home until late last night, unfortunately. Besides my pleas to Scott he wouldn't budge and kick them out. It seemed like he, Stiles, Theo, and Liam actually liked them for some odd reason. Sure they were gorgeous, but they all had girlfriends, except for Scott. But still, Malia and him were sharing a room, that means something.

Theo and I walk right next to each other, slightly grumpy that we were woken up this early. The sun shining brightly throughout the house since the windows were basically everywhere.

I tense at the sight and widen my eyes in shock at who was in the kitchen. The 4 girls from yesterday, standing around, cooking the food that I paid for. Well the food was for everyone but not them.

I look up at Theo who was standing in shock as we stood at the entrance of the kitchen. I quickly stand in front of him as I realize he's in grey sweatpants with no shirt. They shouldn't be able to look at what's mine.

Comatose (Theo Raeken)Where stories live. Discover now