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a song written easily
chapter one - do you ever wonder

"Seoho can you help cut up the kimchi and not keep eating it. That's for dinner you know-" Ravn was at the other end of the kitchen cooking up some kimchi jjigae (kimchi stew) for the boys' dinner. The 6 boys had already spent a long day practicing at the company and were all exhausted. Apart from Ravn and Seoho, the two oldest boys, the others had already fallen asleep all over the house.

"Kids! Dinner is ready!" One by one, the tall boys emerged from all corners of the house. Ravn set up the table and cutlery while Seoho brought the dishes out. "Seoho hyung (honorific term for a younger male to address an older male) what's for dinner today?" Xion, the youngest, rubbed his eyes and plopped himself down beside Hwanwoong. 

"Kimchi jjigae." Seoho said and handed out the bowls to the boys. It was a quiet meal, no one talked. They were too tired for that. "Keonhee hyung have you ever wondered what these are for?" Xion took off the metal ring on his index finger and held it up towards his eyes.

"If I knew, I would be off to accomplish whatever that thing is supposed to accomplish. But no, no I don't know what it does nor what it's for." Keonhee scooped a huge spoonful of kimchi jjigae and stuffed it in his mouth after answering Xion's question.

Later that night, all the boys were asleep except for Xion. He couldn't stop thinking about his ring. It was a thin metal ring with a royal blue rectangular shaped gem in the middle. On the inner side of the ring was a set of 13 numbers : 3714268093537. Since he was a child, Xion had always wondered what the ring and numbers meant.

Initially, he had assumed that it was a present from his parents but when he asked them about it, he got no answer. 'What if that's a morse code for the day I die-', Xion thought to himself as his eyes widened. "Xion, why aren't you asleep?" Hwanwoong stuck his head out looking down at Xion from his top bunk. "Ah hyung it's nothing. Good night."

The next morning....

"XION AH YOU'RE GONNA LIKE THIS!" Keonhee ran into Xion's room and showed him an article.


Scientists in Italy have found possible credible evidence that the rings and numbers are actually just tracking numbers to see how many humans are on earth. The Italy government are currently working with the scientists to further prove this theory but in the mean time, this is the only piece of information we have regarding the rings and numbers.

"Well that wasn't as helpful as you described" Xion sulked and looked up at Keonhee. It was only a theory and nothing had been proven. Xion lay back down onto his bed and covered himself in his blanket. Hwanwoong hopped off the top bunk and pulled Keonhee out of the room.

"If it's not a confirmed thing, don't talk to Xion about our rings. He seems to have high hopes that these useless metal things have a meaning. I don't want us to be the ones to have to break his heart when scientists finally prove these are useless pieces of junk."

"If you think it's junk why are you still wearing yours?" Leedo peeked out from his room and stared at Hwanwoong. Hwanwoong instinctively grazed his thumb over his ring. "It's just an accessory. Free ring you know." He shrugged and went back into his room, closing the door behind him. 

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