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a song written easily
chapter fourteen - flour flower

"YEO HWANWOONG!" Seoho's voice rang across the entire dorm. Everyone came running out of their rooms to see what was the fuss about. They all fell to the floor laughing as they saw the scene unfold in front of their eyes. Leedo wasn't home so Hwanwoong was helping Seoho cook. However, Hwanwoong couldn't reach the oil at the top cabinet and ended up accidentally spilling the whole packet of flour onto Seoho's head. Hwanwoong stood at a corner completely still as Seoho tried to open his eyes to glare at Hwanwoong.

Hwanwoong turned around to face everyone and made a pouty crying face knowing he's screwed once Seoho is flour free. Chaeyoung chuckled to herself before walking towards the two. She signaled to Hwanwoong to go hide while she helps Seoho clean up. "Yeo Hwanwoong get back here!" Seoho had his eyes closed shut as he reached his hands out looking for Hwanwoong so he could whoop Hwanwoong's ass.

Hwanwoong quickly ran into Jiwon's arms as the two went to hide in Jiwon's room. As Seoho reached out for Hwanwoong, his hands landed on Chaeyoung's shoulders. "Oh? Long hair? Chaeyoung is that you?" She laughed at how cute Seoho was acting. "Don't laugh at me!"

Chaeyoung guided Seoho into the shared bathroom and made him sit down on the floor of the shower. "Ah!!!! It's cold", he pouted. She squat in front of him and just stared at him. What now? He can't wash this off himself, he can't see. Hwanwoong is the only boy at home right now and she wasn't going to risk the poor boy's life just to get Seoho clean.

She dragged a stool and lightly smacked Seoho's butt, asking him to sit on the stool. "Can I leave you to clean yourself up?" Chaeyoung looked at Seoho but he pouted and grabbed or tried to grab her hand, not letting her leave. She sighed and took the shower head, running the water above his head. "Hnnng my shirt's wet!" Seoho was acting like such a baby. Normally he wasn't like that but around Chaeyoung, he as the epitome of cuteness.

Just as Seoho was about to take off his shirt for Chaeyoung to place in the washer, Leedo walked into the toilet. "I- I'm disturbing aren't I? I'm just gonna go..." Chaeyoung glared at Leedo and got him to help Seoho wash up instead. She left the toilet and was going to clean up the kitchen but found Sihyeon was already almost done cleaning it.

About 10 minutes later, Seoho came out from the toilet half naked. He was too lazy to get a new shirt and the heater in the house as switched on to the highest so it was practically burning in here. He went into the kitchen in search of Chaeyoung, "Chaeyoung ah~". Chaeyoung turned around upon hearing her name but immediately covered her face with her hands after seeing half naked Seoho.

"Lee Gunmin! Put on a shirt! Now! Go!" She closed her eyes while shoving Seoho out of the kitchen and closed the kitchen door behind her. Her face was as red as a tomato. Even just thinking about what she just saw, made her so shy.

Everyone except Hwanwoong sat down in the living room after they had dinner and were watching Music Bank live together. Just then, Ravn and Jisoo came back from their "date". "Oh my god hyung you're finally back! Let me tell you something funny, oh I wish I was here to see it, Hwanwoong dropped a bag of flour onto Gunmin hyung's head!"

That was when Seoho realised that Hwanwoong was missing. "YAH YEO HWANWOONG!" Seoho stood up and ran into Jiwon's room, finding Hwanwoong in the corner. He was so scared that his soul had probably left his body already. "He isn't going to die right?" Jisoo looked at Ravn, worried for Hwanwoong's life. "Nah Gunmin isn't gonna kill him-"


"I think- hey I'm surprised you guys didn't burn the house down while we were gone." Ravn went to sit down beside Xion while Jisoo went to wash up. "Well Seoho hyung was going to burn the house down or more like burn Hwanwoong down so I guess we should be thanking Chaeyoung that we and especially Hwanwoong are alive right now." Leedo mentioned and stared at the closed door of Jiwon's room. Was Hwanwoong even alive at that point?

Suddenly, the door opened revealing a messy haired Seoho. Everyone's eyes widened as all the attention was on Seoho and Hwanwoong. "No he's not dead." Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and went back to doing their own things.

a song written easily, oneus.Where stories live. Discover now