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a song written easily
chapter twenty - regulus

They had arrived back onto that island like place. None of the boys were talking, not even talkative Keonhee. They were too busy thinking of the TO HEART girls. "Just a quick introduction of myself, I am Kim Jihyeon. I am the crown princess of Regulus, the island you're currently on. I am also the time keeper of Regulus, Gaia and Earth."

Seoho lifted his head and looked at Jihyeon slightly before looking back down onto his hands. He just couldn't focus... All he could think about was Chaeyoung, he didn't even leave her a text or a note. He left. Just like that.

"Everyone has been wondering what those numbers and rings mean. I'm the only one with the answers but I'm guessing you boys have already gotten the answers." Jihyeon asked as she reached her arm across the brightly lit circle table, closing the portal to Gaia. They boys sat down on the grass by the tree where the Gaia portal was at and simply stared into the tree.

"I see. You've met them. Pretty girls right? I'm sorry you can't stay with them any longer. It was my mistake in the first place. I shouldn't have allowed the time space continuum to crack." Seoho looked at Jihyeon straight in the eye and said, "Anything can be a mistake but meeting her would never be one."

That was when Chaeryeong walked out from inside the house. "Oh- We have visitors- I am Kim Chaeryeong, Jihyeon's older sister. I'm a timekeeper here in Regulus."

Jihyeon and Chaeryeong talked to the boys for a while longer especially about what to mention and what not to mention when they returned to Earth. They weren't allowed to talk to the government or scientists about the true meaning behind the ring because it causes potential harm for both Gaia and Earth. Jihyeon then led the boys to the other end of the beach where there was a crack that was glowing yellow, the way home.

One by one, the boys went inside the crack and home they were. Seoho immediately phoned CyA to tell ONEWE that they've finally reached home.


"CyA ah we're outside RBW now, get the others to meet at our dorm okay?"

"Okay hyung! I'm so glad you're safe!"

The six boys trudged back to their dorm and saw ONEWE sitting on the floor of their living room. They screamed when they saw the boys and ran to hug them tightly. Yonghoon hugged both Seoho and Ravn so tightly that they could barely breathe. After all the hugging, everyone sat back down in the living room.

"So anyone care to explain what happened!?" Yonghoon hyung looked at the ONEUS boys with a serious face. "It's a long story." "Oh don't worry Gunhak, we have all day for this. We're going to have to formulate a sensible story for Director Hwang anyways."

"Okay well you see... There's this other place, Gaia. It's another dimension with our female versions you could say. Our ring numbers? They tag us to our female versions in Gaia. And we met our female versions through an accident. We got stuck in Gaia cause we couldn't find the way back but got saved by the timekeepers, Jihyeon and Chaeryeong." Ravn carefully explained to the ONEWE boys.

"And... Hyung are we supposed to believe that?" Harin laughed slightly and looked at Ravn.

Seoho took out his phone and lightly tossed it onto the table. It was a picture of him and Chaeyoung. "Oh my-" Dongmyeong and the other ONEWE boys looked at Seoho in shock, they didn't actually think what Ravn said was real. For the next hour or so, the ONEUS boys spent the time explaining their entire journey in Gaia to ONEWE. At that point, the ONEWE members were much more intrigued about their journey than angry at the ONEUS members.

Back in Gaia, the girls had finally woken up. "Hwanwoong? Woongie??" "Ravn ah!" That's when the girls had realised the boys were gone. "Unnie! ONEUS ARE GONE!"

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