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I blinked my eyes multiple times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Sure enough, I wasn't and it really was Sora walking around while rubbing her eyes and crying.

I immediately ran to her side and bent down to her level. "Sora?" I asked, pulling her hands away which were rubbing her eyes vigorously.

She flinched when my hand came in contact with hers and she immediately looked up at me.

"J-jungkook.." She muttered before embracing me in a tight and warm hug while sniffling.

I hugged her back and dropped to my knees. That way, she was taller than me.

Once her crying subsided, I broke the hug and held her hands in mine while looking at her.

"What happened? Why were you crying?" I asked and wiped her tears away with the palm of my hand.

She was breathing heavily while answering me. "Mom was talking with a man and later she left with him and told me to wait in this amusement park but then she didn't come back."

"Is that man your dad? Or someone your mom knows?"

"I don't know but my mom often meets him and my dad hates that man a lot, so do I."

I know just where this is going. But leaving your own daughter, seriously?

"When did she leave you?" I tried to calm her down by lightly squeezing her hands.

"Before the sun went down- hey! that tickles!!" She answered and started giggling with her teeth out.

Before sunset? It's night right now..

"You should smile more. You look pretty like that." I said and pinched her cheeks. She turned a deep shade of red and tried not to make eye contact with me.

She's so adorable, I could wrap her in a blanket.

"Were you crying before, Jungkook? Your eyes are swollen and red." I don't know why but the way she says my name makes my heart jump.

"Yeah, I was.. but now I'm not, thanks to you." I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"I was also crying before but now I'm not, thanks to you!" She beamed and ruffled my hair.

Her actions made my body feel instantly warm and secured, something I've never felt before.

Is this what you call first love?

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