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The day was slowly coming to an end. Sora's mom would be here at any moment now. I looked down at my watch, it was almost 9 o'clock.

"Jungkook." Sora tugged at my hand, making me look down at her, "Today was a lot of fun, thank you for this amazing day." She said and smiled at me. Her eyes crinkled and I ruffled her hair. "Not a problem. I had a lot of fun too."

And I really did. Both us talked and laughed a lot while we ate popcorn and cotton candy for the whole day. 

Not healthy, I know but it was definitely worth it.

"Sora!" Both Sora and I looked over upon hearing her name; it was her mom.

Sora smiled a little at the sight of her mom and then looked over at me.

I rubbed the nape of my neck and sighed. "I guess this is goodbye then." I said, not wanting to let go of her hand which was secured in mine.

"Jungkook," She motioned for me to bend down. I obeyed and bent down at her level.

She cupped her mouth and whispered in my ear. "Thank you for today." She pecked my cheeks and ran off to her mom's side.

I couldn't process what had happened. My body froze and my heart was about to leap out of my chest. It was beating super fast.

Sora's mom was waving at me and I waved back, blushing madly while looking at Sora.

She was avoiding my gaze. "Sora, say goodbye to Jungkook." Her mom said. 

"It's fine, ma'am." I waved it off because Sora most definitely was not in the right state of mind to wave at me.

"Bye, Sora! I had a lot of fun today." I called out and she finally met my gaze. She waved her hand timidly in the air.

With that, the both of them left.

My heart was still beating faster and I could still feel my cheek being warm.

I touched the spot she pecked and closed my eyes.

"I like you way too much, Sora."

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