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It was a great weekend with Forth, it was nice having him to myself. It feels like forever since we had time to ourselves. I couldn't help but notice how absent minded he was though. I know he is stressed about Sotus and school. Honestly, can't wait until this whole ordeal is over. " Will Forth be joining us for lunch today?"-Kit asked. We all try to have lunch together with our boyfriends on Mondays, but since Sotus Forth have not been able to attend. I shook my head, " No he got Sotus stuff".

" Wow,Sotus is brutal. Ming I don't think you should become a Hazer next year" Kit said pouting making the entire table laugh. " Awwww, P'Kit you are so adorable when you are like this." -N'Yo. Kit just rolled his eyes and cling on to Ming like a Koala. He has truly become cute since he started dating Ming. Being with Ming, has really brought out the best parts of him. " I thought you said Forth wasn't coming?"-Pha asked looking towards the entrance.

Making all of us turn to where Forth was approaching our table. " Hey guys, ...hi babe" Forth said leaning in for a kiss, that he deepened with tongue. " Well looks like your man is in heat!!! Damn"- Kit said when we broke off the kiss. This was a bit out of character even for Forth. He normally kiss me in public, but never this passionate. It made me flustered a bit." Why didn't you text you were coming, I would have bought you lunch. What do you want to eat?" I asked, worried he missed lunch.

" Already, had lunch. I just wanted to surprise you that's all" he said with a smile. That received a lot of awwww's from N'Yo. I guess this is better than not seeing him at all. He wrapped his arm around me and said, " How is the Moon and Star competition coming along Ming? You better win for the school of Engineer" Forth said to Ming. " I heard he will be punished if he doesn't win."-Kit said with worried eyes. " No babe, it's just running 100 laps. Hahaha, but I doubt I'll loose"-N'Ming.

Kit smacked him on the shoulder, " Don't get too cocky. The guy that's crushing on Beam has a huge chance too"-Kit said. Leaving me tensed up and and every eye ball on me. I could feel Forth's hand grabbing me tight on my shoulder. Why would Kit make such a remark. " Really!!! Kittt... what crush?" I asked, even though I knew whom he was referring to. " You know!!! The moon from Economics. He hardly part take in the practice until you showed up"-Kit. All I could do now was glare at him. I have yet to turn to Forth, but I can feel his sight burning a hole in my face.

" I don't think that kid is Gay Kitty, he is friendly with me too "-Phana said, helping me breathe a sigh of relief. Yet, Forth have not said a word. He just watched me. The old Forth would have been asking a thousand questions by now. Instead, he took a sip of my water and said " Stop by Sotus for dinner, I'll go home with you"-Forth. I nodded yes, honestly I had plan on stopping by the Moon and Star rehearsal, but if he is making time for us. I'll definitely be there, he then stood up not saying much and headed out.

" Ai'Kit!!! Why would you say that? Are you trying to send me to my grave early?" I yelled at him. Everyone else was looking at him now. " What!!! Why is everyone looking at me like what I said wasn't true. Even a blind person can tell that boy has a crush on Beam!"-Ai'Kit. 🙄" ... And you thought saying that in front of his boyfriend was the right thing to do Phi?... I have to get going, I'll see you later"N'Ming said clearly annoyed with his boyfriend. " Ming!!! Don't be mad at me!!!... Wait!!" Kit yelled running after N'Ming who was storming out.

After they left, Phana finally said something. " Beam... Kit's approach was wrong, but he is right about N'Sharp. I didn't want to admit it in front of Forth, but he does have some form of a crush on you. You need to draw the line with him and let him know you have a boyfriend" he said and saw N'Yo off. I must be blind, because I don't get that vibe from N'Sharp. He has never made any move towards me before. Not during our lunch together or even on the balcony. Just to put a stop. Whatever it is, they are sensing. I'll let Nong Sharp know I have a boyfriend henceforth.


I noticed a change in Forth of late, he doesn't seem like himself. I knew he missed Beam, especially since he used have that man underneath him every waking day. To having to schedule simple lunch time with him. I was hoping, giving him the weekend off will fix his mood but from my observation. It seems to has gotten worse. " Hey Forth... how was lunch at med campus? I miss their Pad Thai.." I asked when he returned from his lunch break with Beam. " Park, I think Beam might have a suitor" Forth said with a serious face.

" Somebody dares to approach Beam, knowing he is your Boyfriend? That person is BOLD!" I replied with wide eyes. " Yeah, someone left a vase of roses for him at our suite. And Ai'Kit said at lunch, there's a moon who has made his interest known"-Forth. That's probably why, the kid is a freshman and not aware whose boyfriend Beam is. " What are you going to do about it?" I asked. "Honestly, it took everything in me not to drag Beam back home. I should have known better to have him walking around unsupervised"- Forth

I couldn't help but chuckle, " Beam is not that naive Forth, talk over it with him. Tell him to set boundaries with that guy. It's probably an innocent crush" I said. I wish I had kept my comment to myself, because if looks could kill. I'll drop dead right now, from how Forth is glaring at me. " How would you feel, if someone had an innocent crush on Lam? Huh?"-Forth. I threw in the towel, he made a valid point. "... But before you go all possessive on Beam. Have a talk with him okay?" I said tapping him on the shoulder before heading inside.

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