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When I saw Beam earlier on before the tug of war, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I wondered how I managed to go a week without seeing that angelic face, and those dewy puppy eyes? Ahh!! That's because I've been doing all I can to keep busy. From staying after school to get ahead starts on labs, and signing up for activities. That I haven't given myself the chance to process this "break" we are on.

I guess i thought if he was out of sight out of mind. I'll be able to carry on with my daily life.But all it took was a glimpse of him for the out pour of emotions to come rushing back. Today, I was not pleased with the state that I saw Beam. He looked worried and almost as if he had the whole world on his shoulders. Has he always looked like that? Have I not been paying attention? There was so much running through my mind, that I couldn't concentrate on the game. It even cause as to lose the match.

" Forth you owe me that win, the least you can do is grab drinks with us" Park pleaded with me to go to the bar with them. Truth is, I was heading to our old place to go see Beam. I really wanted to make things right with him. He might be okay with a break from me, but I'm not. I need to get my man back. " C'mon, you should be our designated driver at least. I really need this Forth"-Park. Lam walked over to where we were at the lot, and also insisted he needed the drink too. They both would be too inebriated to drive.

So I had decided to stop by Beam's after I dropped them home. I wanted to show up to him in person, to show my sincerity. Then we walked in the bar, and I heard N'Yo call out  my name."P'Forth!!!!", I turned to where he sat with N'Ming, Kit, Phana and Beam. My heart started to palpitate, I immediately understood why Park had insisted I come with them. I couldn't help but smile, my instinct was to walk up to him and request we talk. But he seem to be trying to avoid me, so refrained from doing so.

The gang started drinking, including Beam. Since, I was the designated driver. I had mostly juice for the night. It was nice to be around the med students. Park love teasing Kit, and Kit's reactions is always hilarious. Throughout the night, I could see Beam sneaking a glance in my direction. Almost, as if to say something but was holding back. Then he suddenly, got up to go to the bathroom.

While everyone carried on, I noticed Beam has been gone longer than normal. I decided to check up on him. What I saw broke my heart, there by the sink was Beam weeping. He was hurting this much by himself all this while? Does he cry in hiding often?What happened to the sassy, opinionated, straightforward Beam? 🥺

"I didn't agree to your terms on a break, only to find you in such a manner" I said. As he looked at me through is reflection. I was upset with myself for going along with this idea. I figured it would help both of us heal, from the current state of our relationship. But seeing Beam now made me realized that was a bad idea. All that did, was shove our problems under a rug.I apologized to Beam, this is the end of the break.


Forth said we should go home. Then  it suddenly dawned on me. I pulled myself off him and told him about my encounter with N'Sharp. " Since when has he lived there?😠"-Forth. He looked mad, so I bit my bottom lip, picking my words right not to make him mad. I guess he noticed the anxiety written all over me. He sighed, " I'm not upset with you. I'm just mad this kid has become such a hindrance in our lives. Do you want to stay with me at Lam's until we figure things out?-Forth.

Now it was my turn to get mad 😠, " Forth!!! Lam HATES!! Me. Why would I stay at his place. He takes a dig at me every chance he get. Sometimes, I feel like I'm competing with him over you!"- I screamed my frustrations. Then, he looked around. "Let's have this conversation somewhere else"-Forth noticing the set of eyeballs on us.

He clasped his hands in mine and we walked out the restroom together. "Hey Park, I'm leaving with Beam. I'm sorry, you'll have to take an Uber home"-Forth.  " I see you two are back on good terms"-Phana said with a smile. It appeared only Phana and Park understood what had just happened. Park winked at me and said, " take good care of my friend Beam. It's been almost a month hahaha"-Park. This earned him a smack from his boyfriend.

Forth and I walked to my car, then he said " you want to go to a hotel for now? I would hate to run into N'Sharp tonight. I plan on dealing with him in another way"-Forth. "Get in, I have a perfect place for us" I said smiling. Within 20 minutes, I pulled up to the underground garage of my Penthouse. Forth was a bit surprised as to where we were.

I checked in with my finger prints, and had him do the same. " Welcome, Sir... please let us know if you need anything"Front desk. I nodded, as we got on the elevator with a code. Forth was still lost for words, his jaw dropped when I opened the door to my penthouse. " Holy shit!!! This is a skyline view. Is this your mom's or dad's?" -Forth. I scratched my head. " This is actually my place. My dad bought it for me as an apology gift for being a horrible father" I said giggling.

Forth grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me into a back hug. "I'm glad to know you are on good terms with your dad". I turned to meet him, "... well baby steps" then pecked him on the lips. I noticed a light switch in his eyes. "What?? ... why are you looking at me like that" I said biting my bottom lip.  " You know, Park was right about one thing. Not necessarily a month. But, around 3 weeks and 4 days" he said in a husky voice.😉

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