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Day 1 of sporting events, and it has been hectic. There are lectures only from 8am to 12pm and the rest of the day is for the games. Phana is in the tug of war team for our school, so I'll lead the medic team for the second half of the event today.I didn't bring any change of clothes, so I went back to my place while Phana and the rest set up.

Just when I was about to head back, I came face to face with N'Sharp. " Hi, P'Beam... before you say anything. I want to apologize about everything. I know you blocked me, but I want you to know how sincerely sorry I feel"-N'Sharp. I looked at him a bit worried. " How did you know where I live Nong?"-I asked because it's strange for him to show up out the blue. This is not an easy building for anyone to get into.

" Ummm, I -I moved here yesterday!!!And no!!! I'm not stalking you. I just couldn't think of a better way to get closer to you"-N'Sharp. I felt really unease, because that's the definition of stalking!!! I knew not to let him know I feel alarmed. So I said, " well nice seeing you Nong. I have to get going okay!!". I waved and got into my car, and stepped on the accelerator. He just stood there in silence and waved. This guy is far from the docile act he portrayed when we first met.

My heart was beating a mile a minute. My first instinct was to call Forth, when I arrived at the school parking lot.  I looked at his name on my phone and instead called someone I've been dreading to call abut I knew I needed him. " Hey, son!!! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He said sounding very chipper. " Dad is your pent house still available?" I asked. He hesitated, but he responded
" I thought you didn't want to be there because it was heavily guarded and wanted privacy?"-Dad. I didn't say anything, but I guess he sensed the urgency in my voice.

" You can stay there son, I got the place for you. It's in your name, just give them your finger prints at the front desk"-Dad. I nodded my head as if he could see me. I could hear him take a deep breathe, " do you want the guards to be in close proximity? I know you hate it, but..." I didn't even let him finish his sentence. "'YES..yes let them. Just in casual clothes. They are easy to spot" I said. He laughed, and said " ... I'm always a phone call away son. Whenever you're ready to talk about this"-Dad.


I noticed Phana and Kit when we came out the locker room but no Beam in sight. I couldn't help but wonder. " Are you looking for your boyfriend?" -Park asked then pointed toward the entrance. Beam was walking in, in casual clothes. He had on shorts 🩳 that showed his shapely legs and a v-neck shirt. My eyes couldn't help, but trace up his body. It has only been a week, but it felt like I haven't seen him in ages. Park tapped me on the shoulder and said, " go talk to him!! You know you miss him". I shook my head no, " I promised to keep my distance, until he was ready".

When I was able to see him in a closer view, I couldn't help but notice how stress he looked. That actually made my heart twitch. I hope he's eating well and doing good. He didn't look like himself, and that bothered me a lot.I didn't distance myself from him,so he would look this disheveled. " It's our turn for tug of war!"-Lam called out to us breaking my concentration. I wanted to run toward Beam, but my feet feel heavy. "Forth!!! Let's go! It's our turn!"-Lam.

I was about to walk away when he looked in my direction, upon hearing Lam yell out my name. We held each other's gaze for what felt like forever, then I heard my name again snapping me out. Beam looks weak, something doesn't feel right. I need to find a way to check up on him, without intruding his space.


Forth was distracted after seeing Beam. I knew my plan with Phana couldn't wait till Friday. So I texted him, to change our plans to tonight. " Come to the usual bar with your friends tonight. I doubt our plan could wait till Friday" I texted Phana. He replied right away in agreement. As much as I wanted Forth to get back with Beam. I also needed him to have his head back in the game. Some of the boys and I have a Bet on these matches.l and can't affor for our best player to be sulking.

We lost the tug of war, but we have up until Friday. The quicker we get Forth to his normal self, the better. After, today's games I invited the guys to the bar. Forth really didn't want to go, but I begged him to be our designated driver if he was not up to drink. The plan was in motion, Phana had also been able to convince his gang to come to the bar. "P'Forth!!! ..." -N'Yo waves when we arrived. Forth's suddenly perked up when he saw Beam.


This was definitely not a coincidence. Forth looked surprised to see us here, but Park and Phana were not. I knew immediately it was a set up. "Can we join your table?" Park asked with a grin. His scowling boyfriend clung to him, and avoided making eye contact with me. I could care less, frankly I've given up on trying to get him to like me. It seems he has formed his opinion about me, and I have no desire to prove his wrong anymore 😤.Then, there was Forth who ended up sitting right across from me. " Since, we won the first round of competition, all drinks are on me tonight" Phana said and there was an uproar of cheers.

Everyone was rowdy and drinking, I had noticed Forth had yet to take a sip. He also didn't chime in much in the conversations that were going on. He would smile and nod his head. It's weird being around him like this, felt like he has build a wall between us. Almost, as if I didn't exist! Wow! 😳, could he have moved on already? I was feeling a bit sad. So I got up and went to the bathroom.

I splashed some water on my face to sober me up a bit. Then I felt a sting in my chest. Before, I knew it tears were running down my face. "I didn't agree to your terms on a break. Only, to find you in such a manner" I heard a voice say as I rinsed my face with water. I looked up in the mirror, to the reflection of Forth. " So how long do you want to pretend for? Because, I can't sit in silence anymore"-Forth said looking at me through the mirror.

His words brought more tears to my eyes. Without even hesitating, I run to his arms. He embraced me and patted me on the back. "I'm sorry Beam.. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I'm lacking and I'm sorry I agreed to a break. Those were your way of saying fight for me!! But I threw in the gloves too quickly"-Forth. We both stood there, in an embrace that we forgot it was a public restroom . There were others walking in and out. But it felt like we were there by ourselves at that moment . I couldn't muster up a word, but he understood my heart.Then he whispered, "Let's go home".

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