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"Oh my goodness, you are so handsome!!😊" said a girl not that much older than me, when I walked into  the kitchen. I smiled and replied with " Thank you... you are very petty too Phi". I said, this in turn made her giggle some more. She has a bubbly personality. "Don't let that innocent face fool you, he use to sleep with 4 girls in a day" said P'Earth. Walking in behind this beautiful woman, and pecking her on the cheek. My guess was right , that's his fiancée, that Forth told me about. She lightly grabbed P'Earth cheek and said "stop teasing him, you making him embarrassed... don't mind him Beam. My name is Anong" she introduced herself.

" Where is Forth? He is normally glued to you like Velcro " -P'Earth said. Then P'Mew who had just arrived, walked into the kitchen and responded
" he's in the garden with Dad...". I looked over to him, oh I didn't know their father was home. I should go say my greetings. " No need going out there Nong... they are having a deep conversation. Dad even had on his serious face ."-P'Mew.

Okay, I picked up his cue, I wonder if Forth is in some sort of trouble with his father . I tapped on my pockets, then realized I didn't have my phone with me. " I have to get my phone, I'll be..." before I could finish my thought, their mother came in the kitchen. "No need for checking your phone now. We are making Pho, you can do without your phone for a bit" - she said  and they all laughed. " ... oh, that applies to you too... I want you kids to be actually present for once. Always on your gadgets".


" Do you want to explain why you were acting like a maniac a moment ago?" -Dad asked, as he sat in one of the lounge chairs in the garden. "It is nothing sir, ... it j-just that ..." I paused mid-sentence. " Have a seat.." he said motioning me to sit next to him.
" You kids might not know, but I keep track of your every move.I may not be there physically, but I have eyes and ears around this country" - Dad said looking me square in the eyes. " You guys are adults now, so I try not to meddle much in your personal business. Whatever it is you are battling, trust me, it will not be solved by destroying things...."-Dad.

"I'm sorry you witness that dad. Can I ask you a question?" I said, trying to get another perspective on my current situation. "Dad, all these years that you've been with mom... have there ever come a time , you felt like you were drifting apart?". I asked, sincerely wanting to hear his opinion. Truth is, for the first time ever in my life. I felt I could loose something I hold dear to my heart. " hahaha, when you've been married as long as your mom and I those doubts has already dissipated. But in the early stages of our relationship ,yes I did. I felt I could loose her, because I was not her only suitor. There are always obstacles when you are dating, but nothing communication can't resolve"-Dad.

I listened to my father's words attentively, "... You know , I don't subscribe to the notion of what belongs to you comes to you. I believe in life, you have to fight , for what belongs to you. Because, there's always someone striving for the same thing. Competition is what drives a man, we seek to be better than the next. Even when things are good, things inevitably comes up to serve as a reminder of what you could loose. Do you understand what I'm saying, Son?"-Dad. My father loves to talk in riddles and proverbs. Yet, the message he was conveying to me, was well received. " So your mother told me, Beam's mom will be at the party tomorrow?" -Dad. I nodded my head, " ... yeah, mom reached out to her. Beam's mom is a bit scary though, she has no filter" I said.

"Hahaha, aren't all women? I looked into her, She's a Baramee. She used to be married to the ex-Prime minister "- Dad. I looked at him with a questionable look. " Her ex, as in Beam's dad!!! A Prime minister??!!" I asked in shock.Why wouldn't Beam want me to know this information about his dad?
" Yea, I worked with his father on some Classified Navy stuff. He's not a man one wants to cross"-Dad. I was still stuck on the fact that Beam's father is the ex-Prime Minister 😳. " Your mom wanted all of us to help cook, let's go before he kick my ass hahaha"-Dad. Even a man like my Dad, have someone he's afraid to anger. He's the head of the household, but we all knew who truly runs the show.


We were almost done cooking and setting up the table, when Forth walked in with his father. He looked okay, not like he was put through the wringer. " How have you been young man?" -Mr. Jaturapoom. " I've been good Sir. Thanks for asking" I responded. It is so crazy how much Forth looks and  sounds like his father. " I heard you got into a field placement at a really lucrative hospital on the east coast?" He said. I was shock at first to hear him ask about my field placement. Forth appeared to be shocked as well, but played it off. " Yea, it's in two weeks during spring break"- I said.

" Awwww poor Forrrr, your wife will be going on vacation without you. What if he gets hit on by some big shot surgeon and leaves you?hahaha" -P'Earth said, and P'Mew joined him in laughter. Forth didn't react, he just placed his hand on my lap under the table. It's good to know, his brothers haven't changed. Still a bunch of assholes as always. " Beam, I spoke with your mom earlier on today. She said, she'll arrive early in the morning and lend some help with the preparation" Mrs. Jaturapoom said. I almost choked on my food, " my mom said that!?!" I asked in disbelief. That woman burns water, what help would she be lending?

After dinner, Forth and I went to his old room. His family is okay with us sharing a room. They knew we live together, so no need to pretend like we were shaking up. "We've come a long way since, I first met your family 😊" I said reminiscing on my first time meeting them.  Forth just smiled and said. "You are family now babe. Mom already said you are her favorite". We both laughed, " Do you think she will get along with my mom?" I asked concerned about their personality difference.

" My mom reached out to yours. If anything would have gone wrong, I doubt she would be inviting her. And knowing your mother, she doesn't do nothing she don't want to" Forth said hugging me from behind. He's right, I turned around to face him. We were about to share a kiss, when I heard my phone buzzing on the table. " I forgot all about my phone,... Hello!!" I said.

" Where have you been all day? Did you see any of the text? Is Forth around you?" Ai'Kit. I looked over to Forth, who was on the bed cracking his knuckles.
" Are you listening Beam? N'Sharp said publicly he was in LOVE with you! People already created social media fan pages"-Ai'Kit. I just kept looking at Forth, who could clearly hear Kit on the phone. Did he already know? I hung up on Kit,  to find countless notifications. "Where is your Phone Forth?" I said as I watched him looked up to me with teary eyes. " Tell me the truth Beam... Did that boy shook your heart?"-Forth...

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