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As I sat on the bed watching sleep, I felt so heartbroken 😞. Something has changed about Beam. The Beam I know would not get this flustered over another. The Beam I know is strong will, stubborn and has never needed anyone to fight his battles. Yet, here he lies full of worries and almost look helpless. He was so shook, that his whole demeanor has changed. When we return home I need to end whatever that guy has plan. I can feel it, the worse is yet to come.

*In coming call from Park* " Hey, is everything okay? You guys didn't come back to the party"-Park. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. " Yea!!! That ASSHOLE tried it Park. He kissed Beam"- I said through clenched teeth. There was silence on the other end. Then, I heard him say, " What do you want to do? Name it and I'm on board".  My first instinct was to drive over and beat him up. But I know people like him. People who has their eyes set on a price. He won't give up, until he gets what he wants. " I'll fill you in on my plans. For now, I'll need help moving to our new place".


I couldn't get over how P'Beam stayed on the elevator with Forth. I felt he had chosen him over m, and the mere thought bothered me. In that moment, I knew I had to make my feelings for Beam be known. I'm in love with him, and I can not deny that.  I've seen how he smiles at me and how he blush around me. He might not completely know it, but I can tell he has feelings for me.  So I set out to go find him after my lectures.

P'Beam looked so radiant when he opened the door. I was mesmerized by him, and I knew it was either now or never. So I blurted our, "... I'm in love with you P'Beam 😍". He was a bit taken back, but I knew from his eyes that he had knew all along too. I never hid my feelings from him. When our eyes met. And I knew at that moment to kiss him. His plump lips felt so soft, I can still taste him on my lips. That damn Ming ruined our moment.

"Hello, Uncle Lhong... how have you been?" He wasn't in front of me, but I already knew he had a smirk on his face. " What do you want nephew?" He replied. Uncle Lhong is mom's youngest brother, and only 5 years older than me. So we had more of a brotherly relationship than a uncle and nephew. He is currently doing his residency in Neuroscience. Also, P'Beam's preceptor for his field placement.
" Well  I can't call my favorite uncle, simply because  I missed him? Hahaha" I said. Knowing he can see through all my shenanigans.

" Can I spend my spring break at your place?" I asked. Then there was silence, " Why don't you want to spend it at your own home. You know I'll be busy in the hospital"-Uncle. *There was no way, I'm telling him I'm doing it to get closer to a guy *. " I just bed a change of scene, I promise I won't be in your hair" I told him. " that's okay, but I'll have a student shadowing me at that time. He will also be staying at my place. I'll need you to behave!!" -Uncle. I smiled to myself, already knowing P'Beam will staying there. "You have no worries, you know I'm liked by all hahaha" I said.

~ Beam~

Forth is trying to put on a brave face for me, but I can tell there's something brewing in him. I can foreshadow something on the horizon but don't know what exactly. " Hi hun, you slept well..." Forth said walking out the shower. I nodded my head, when are we heading home?" I asked. "After, breakfast. We will ride with Ming. Also, we have to live with with Lam and Park for a couple of days. Our new place needs to be furnished"-Forth. He hasn't brought up the N'Sharp situation since I told him last night. I watched as he packed up our stuff in silence. " Oh I am almost forgot, this Friday is my father's birthday. My brothers and I are having a little party for him...Mom, would love for you to come"-Forth.

The moon competition is this coming weekend, although I would have still gone to support Wayo and Ming. I believe it is beat I go with Forth, being around his family always uplifts my spirit. " Yes!!! I can't wait 😊. I miss your mom's cooking" I said with a big smile. I noticed Forth's face lit up as well. I'm not going to push him to talk about the N'Sharp situation. I'm just going with his flow, and a trip to his family's place is the best time to tell him about my field placement. I received a confirmation email from the Dean in regards to it. They even found me room and board. It was supposed to be a whole semester, but I'll spend my spring break there. And also do another with the hospital in the City next semester.


We got hitched a ride in N'Ming's car, since I didn't drive here. The drive was filled with complete silence, I guess they knew I had found out about the N'Sharp situation. Then Beam broke the silence, because it was getting too awkward. Even Kit who is normally running his mouth 100 miles per minute was quiet. "N'Ming, we won't be able to attend the competition this Friday. We have family matters to attend to. Hope you don't mind us missing out on your WIN. Hahaha" Beam said with an almost forced laughter.

Ming looked at us from the rear view mirror with a smile. " I understand.... but I don't know how Wayo will feel about you declaring me the winner"-N'Ming. We all laughed in the car, and the music was turned up to ease the tension. But my mind couldn't help but wander. I need to make some phone calls, the first to Ms. Baramee about the security she hired. I've noticed them even on this trip. She does have people around all the time. I didn't noticed before, but I guess she had security around Beam even before we started dating. N'Sharp will not got scotch free, he need to be taught a LESSON. Especially, when it comes to involves My Beam.

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