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" Do you care to explain what we just witnessed here?"-Dad asked. I looked around at the faces of my highly disappointed family.  From my sister to my mother,  who was more than disappointed . She looked hurt by my actions. " I didn't do it, Mom!!! You raised me better than that." I said to my mother. "Why does he think you raped Beam? That's some strong accusations son"-Dad. I nodded my head in agreement, "P'Beam was too drunk to drive home. So.. . So I brought him home with me. He was alarmed when he woked up in my bed. But nothing happened!!! I swear!!!" I said, pleading my innocence.

Dad just looked at me in silence. " Honey, it's a misunderstanding. We had Beam over at our house for dinner. It's obvious he is good friends with Sharp" Mom finally defended me. I know I can count on her to take my side. "Go to your room, we will talk later"- Dad commanded. My father is really laid back, but when he is mad, he is the scariest person I know.

Forth had a lot of audacity storming to my home unannounced. It was one thing to fight me in public, but to come to my home for a fight is where I draw the line. I've obviously gotten under his skin, now I will definitely not back off Beam. If anything, today's events served as a motivation for me to keep pursuing him. I can tell Forth sees me as a worthy opponent here. *How about I turn this up a notch, I don't plan on backing out now*😏


I'm so numb right now, I can't decipher whether this moment is a dream or reality. "... I want us to break up"-Forth. Those were Forth's final words to me before he left with P'Mew. I bit my bottom lip to hold in the tears that beacons. Then I heard my phone vibrate *OMG Foorrth?*. Checked the caller ID and it was Phana. "Hello, Beammie!!! Did you sort out things with Forth?" -Ai'Pha.

I tried saying something, but next thing I knew I was crying my heart out. " BEAM!!! What happened? Talk to me... Did you guys get into an argument?"-Ai'Pha was asking me all these questions, but all I could do was cry. Every time I opened my mouth to speak, I'll choke on my tears. " Beam, text me what is going on if you can't say it..."-Ai'Pha said concerned about my behavior. But I managed through sniffles and snorts, to blurt out " He-He br.. broke up with me Pha!!! Forth broke up with me!!".

I finally managed to say, and was met with silence on the other end. I wiped my tears and told Ai'Pha everything that had happened. " You know what is funny?" I asked rhetorically. " For the past month, I sensed something was off. Forth was not my FORTH anymore . It was almost, as if I was with a stranger. The Forth I felled in love with, would not question my actions. He wasn't himself Pha!! The guy that just left here was not my FORTH!" I said with a fresh set of tears falling from my eyes.

" Does your father's special security services still follow you?" Phana asked. Ever since high school, when my father became Prime Minister. He always had security follow me. They were supposed to keep their distance and not intrude on my daily life. But I knew they reported my every move to father. Normally, there's two of them. But I noticed one on this trip, normally when I'm at the hospital or hanging around the lobby.

"Yea... they still tail my every move"- I said. Phana sighed in relief. " I'm glad to hear that, but I'll recommend you check into a different hotel to avoid N'Sharp. Also, if you can't tell his parents. I still believe you should file a restraining order on the kid"-Phana. I took in everything he said, I proceeded to pack up. I'll check into a different hotel. "... And about Forth. Do you want me to reach out to him to work things out? Perhaps, if I talk to ..." I didn't allow Phana to finish his sentence. " No, Pha... I'm innocent. This time I'm not the cause, I was honest with Forth. I refuse to be the one to apologize this time 😠" I said in anger. *This break up might be good for both of us*


The drive home felt like forever on the road. I looked out the passenger window as P'Mew drove in silence. My brother would normally try to talk me out of most situations but this time he remained quiet. My heart aches so much, it feels like it is being struck with a whole bunch of needles. I feel so empty, and have the entire situation running through my mind. The worse of them, being how shattered Beam looked from the side mirror as we drove off.

"Did I make the right decision Phi?" I asked my brother. To which he responded with, " Did you make that decision based on your emotions? Forth,you were thinking with your head, I doubt you consulted your heart on this matter. Hence, why you are sitting next to me drenched in your own tears"-P'Mew said glancing in my direction.

Then I finally let out the tears I've been holding back. I wept like a child, never in all my life I've I shed such sorrowful tears. " is it too late to apologize Phi...?" I asked my brother through tears. He pulled the car over on the side of the road and embraced me. He hugged me long and tight. " it has been a long day, give yourself a chance to sort out your emotions. If by the time we reach home, you are not reasoning like yourself. Call N'Beam and sort it out. I doubt he has fallen out of love with in just a few hours."-P'Mew.

His words rang through my mind as we set off on the road again. I knew I had made a mistake based on what he just said. I allowed a moment to cloud my judgement. *Fuck!!! I have to get my man back!!* I sent him a text, stating "I'm so sorry Beam... let's talk things over". There wasn't an immediate response. I figured I give him up until we arrive home. I'll call him then, to sort things out.


I checked into a new hotel room as Phana had suggested. He even insisted on coming over, but I let him know I can handle myself. A part of me miss his over protective side too. Nowadays, all his attention was spent on N'Yo, as it who should . But I can't deny, It was nice to know, he would run to me at my time of need. After, I checked in and settled down, I saw a text from Forth. It stated he was sorry and wanted to talk. A tear rolled out onto the phone.

Why did he say it in the first place? A lot have gone on. But I was willing to hear what he has to say. I love Forth, but is love alone enough to mend our current situation? I also texted P'Type that I wanted to have a word with him. I believe he's the right person to address about N'Sharps behavior. I want to finish my last week at the hospital without any more distractions. An hour later I heard my phone vibrate, it was Forth.

" Hello Beam... where are you right now?" -Forth asked. When I answered his FaceTime " Did you call to accuse me some more,Forth?" I said starting to feel irritated. " Oh No!! No... it's because your background don't look like your hotel" he said in a calm tone. I'm guessing the hulk, has returned to his normal form. " Yea... I checked into a new hotel" I replied. He nodded his head, understanding why. We sat on the phone silently for about 3 minutes.
" Beam.... I don't want us to break up. I said that in the heat of the moment. I was talking with my emotions and not my heart. I meant none of it Babe" he smiled.

I looked at him with a straight face. My grandma always told me " within every lie there's a bit of truth". I know Forth, he wouldn't have said those words if they were not already lingering on his mind. I closed my eyes and a fresh set of tear fell. " Forth... I love you. I've heard you, but I honestly believe we need a break. Perhaps, not a break up... but time to sort things out". I said with a heavy heart.

He looked at me with a puzzled look, " Y-You don't love me anymore Beam?" He asked with a shaky voice. "It's the opposite, because I love you that's why we need this break. I feel like we are hurting each other. You have loss trust in me. And, I find it hard to communicate with you. I'm overwhelmed!!Forth😭. I just need time to get back to myself " I said. He looked at me understanding exactly what I meant.

" How much time do you need Beam?"-Forth asked with tears running down his face. I shook my head, " I don't know, but I know not anytime soon. We can't pretend none of the events that had happened didn't. I need time to heal, so does you" I said. He forced a smile, and said " I love you Beam, I need you to know that. Take all the time you need. I'll be waiting for you when you are ready to come back to me"-Forth.

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