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A/N: sorry about all the typos!!! I posted my un-edited version. Fixed now, thanks to those that notified me about it. Enjoy your weekend!!


" Hello Forth, has Beam left yet? Tell him I'm waiting at the wedding dress boutique. They will close in an hour's time , he needs to get here soon"-Ms.Baramee. She called my phone because she couldn't get hold of Beam. "He left about 30 minutes ago, he should be arriving soon" I said hanging up. I looked at my phone in confusion. " What's wrong? Why that solemn face?"-Park.

"Something is wrong, it's very unlikely for Beam to not answer his mother's call. And he is not picking up now either. He should be arriving there by now" I said starting to worry. " Let's head to the cafe, I doubt anything happened to him"-Park. Then I received a text from Ai'Lam. " FUCK!!! ... N'Sharp has Beam!!!😳" I yelled.

" What?!!! Where?..,"-Park... I quickly called Lam, " Follow that CAR!!! N'Sharp is abducting Beam. Park and I are heading out now. Call with location!!! PLEASE!!" I pleaded with Lam. He sent that picture to be spiteful, but that's not the case right now. There's no way Beam, will miss this appointment with his mom over Sharp. He is up to something and has to be stopped.


"It appears we are being followed. How about we loose this nuisance hahaha" I said noticing the Audi behind us. I recognize that car, it belonged to P'Lam. I did an illegal U-Turn, loosing him at a red light. " Hahaha, I drive race cars as a hobby. Isn't this fun P'Beam" I asked him but he did not seem impressed by my maneuver. " Don't worry, pretty soon you'll enjoy my company. When it's just the two of us" I said with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes and asked, " so where are you taking me in broad day light?"-Beam. I looked at him and asked. " How do you feel about Australia? Just you and I, without no interference and you NOT PRETENDING Not to like me" I said. Again, he rolled his eyes.

I pulled up to the Hilton hotel close to the airport, and motioned P'Beam to get out. I poked him with my finger in the back and said, " ACT. NORMAL! YOU MISBEHAVE, WE BOTH DIE!!" I threatened him. He obediently followed and I checked us into a room. He looked at me quizzically. " Where is the weapon?..." he said noticing there was no gun. I showed him my car, and aimed it like a gun.

" hahaha, it worked didn't it?"I said moving closer to him and patting his hair. " Do you know you are beautiful?" I asked holding his face in my palm, and leaning in for a kiss. I pecked him on the lips, but he gave me no reaction. " What's this about N'Sharp? You are better than this!"-Beam. "YES!!!! And yet, you chose Forth over me Phi!!! I've shown you nothing but love and kindness" I screamed my frustrations.


" You  think doing this will resolve what you feel? It will only take 30 minutes for my fathers minions to trace where we are. For your sake, give this up!!" I yelled back at him. He held on to my hand, with tear filled eyes. " Did you never feel anything for me? Did I imagine the emotions that had transpired between us?" -N'Sharp.

" You are a sweet kid Sharp. I was flattered by your gestures but I love Forth" I said looking him in the eyes while tears rolled down his face. I looked at his stuff on the table. He really do plan on leaving the country. He has his passport and two plane tickets. " Are you saying not even an ounce of you, felt something for me? All I need to know is that, because I've never loved anyone as much as I love you P'Beam"-N'Sharp.

I hugged him, " thank you Nong, but this is not the way to go about it. I am highly flattered... believe me I am. Didn't think I could make someone loose it like this" I said smiling and this made him giggle. " THIS!!! this chemistry Phi! How can you deny this?"- Sharp. I shook my head, " No!! This is infatuation Nong. I don't feel anything for you in that sense. I care about you enough to say, if you let me go now. I'll make sure you don't face any charges" I said holding on to his hand.


Park drove as I kept calling Lam for updates. " I lost them Forth... H-He, lost me at the red light. I'm sorry"-Lam. I looked at the phone, trying to crack my brain where he could have taken Beam. " Park, are take me to our first Apartment. Also, I need to ask Phana for help. Beam's dad will be able to help". Park turned around and drove me to my old place.

We were told by security that N'Sharp was not there, but I refused to take their word for an answer.I stormed off to the floor and bang on his door. I used my body weight to break inside. " Beam!!! Beam!!!...." I called out his name. But the place was indeed empty. " Nobody is here Forth, let's check your other place that he moved next door. Meanwhile, Beam's Dad is working on tracing them through CCTV"-Park

I took a deep breathe, and followed along with Park. That's our best bet right now. " Wow... I didn't know Beam is the Ex.Prime Ministers son. What a small world, his Dad and my father attended University together"-Park. Is he serious right now, there's bigger issues at hand.


" Nong!...let me go okay!!! You'll meet  someone far more worthy of your love than I". I said with tears weld up in his eyes. " You don't understand P'Beam, you are the only one for me!!!😭" he said holding on to me right now. I looked at the plane ticket on the table. " Leave the country for a while, go ease your mind. Time heals... you are not a bad person Sharp. I wouldn't have befriended you, if I didn't see the good in you. Let me go alright" I coaxed him by patting him on his back.

This guy is just a kid, he is a bit pretentious and rash in decision making,but his heart is good. Then he pulled himself off me and asked, " can I get a kiss? I promise I'll let you go" he said looking me in the eyes.  I couldn't tell if this was one of his tricks. " if I wanted to do something bad, I had plenty of opportunities to do so" he said. Then there was a knock on the door. " We have the place surrounded, we know you are there with Beam!!!" I heard the incompetent guards yell out. I rolled my eyes. Perhaps, they are only good at gossiping. As they couldn't decipher that my life was in danger earlier.

I turned to N'Sharp, " don't make this difficult than it already i..." he didn't let me finish my sentence. Then he took my lips in his,I felt the passion and yearning in his kiss. When he broke off the kiss the room was surrounded with bodyguards. He looked me in the eyes and said " I'll always love you P'Beam."-N'Sharp. I watched him in silence as he grabbed his luggage and the guards looking confused  as to what just happened.

Then I heard one of them whisper, " I thought his life was in danger??". I put my hands in my pockets as they paved the way for N'Sharp to leave. He kept walking, not looking back. " Should we let him go, Sir?" One of the guards asked. I rolled my eyes, " how much is my father paying you again?"he just smiled. Then I mumbled, " let him go, he's in enough pain. *Bye, Nong... may the days ahead, bring you happiness *

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