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The weekend was great, there was a few hiccups.But Forth and I smooth things out. Today is Monday, and everyone is recollecting on their weekends. It appears the school of engineering held a party at Lams like they did last year. The stories of the party brought back memories for me as well. I recall, it was at that party, that I found out Forth and his friends put a BET on me. I looked over at Forth, who sat next to me during lunch and smiled. *We've come a long time to way. And I plan to ride with him no matter the highs and lows that we will encounter *

"N'Sharp disappeared after his confession on stage. Everyone was searching the crowd for you, in hopes of seeing your reaction. When he mad his confession "Ai'Kit said in the middle of lunch. I tensed up a bit, when he brought up N'Sharp.why is he bringing that up now. But then N'Ming nudged him to stop talking ." That kid is a COWARD!!! He couldn't even be man enough to face Forth after all that he caused"-Park. Him and his boyfriend came with Forth, to have lunch on the medical campus. His boyfriend sat across me, throwing daggers with his eyes at me per usual." Do you have something to say to me?" I blurted out. I'm honestly tired of Lam and his attitude towards me. Everyone, but Lam was confused as to whom I was talking to.

" 😒, Park... I'm ready to leave" Lam said to his boyfriend. Now the attention was on the two of us.
" What's wrong babe, you haven't even touch your lunch"-Park. This comment earned him a glare from Lam, so he backed out and they said their good byes. He rolled his eyes as at me as he walked away, and I was not budging this time. " What is this about?" Forth asked trying to piece together our little show down. " I'm tired of him belittling me, and constantly questioning my LOYALTY to you. Sometimes, I feel like the home wrecker in his relationship to YOU!!Ive been nothing but nice to his ass 😤" I expressed my frustration.

The entire table fell in to silence, with others staring at us. Forth looked at me and took a deep sighed.
" Lets talk about it at home okay? I have to get going" he said catching up to his friends. " P'Lam is very protective of P'Forth, don't read too much into his behavior. He can be scary at times but he means well"-N'Yo. Scary!!is an understatement, hell Forth's family don't give me this much trouble. " Well, he can relinquish that role, Forth is my man. Last thing I need is having to fight his over protective best friend. That's some bullshit!!" I said storming off from the table.


I checked my messages that I sent P'Beam, but still unread. I didn't want my presence here to be a complete surprise. I wanted to properly court him, and what better than two weeks with him. That's enough time to get my heart to reach him. I know, is being alone will clear out whatever doubt he has about US. I know what I sense and my feelings for him is not one sided. If anything, kissing him that day confirmed it for me. That electricity that rushed through me, when my lips touched his was pure bliss.🥰

"My student will be arriving on Friday. Since his application was last minute, there isn't enough room in the boarding house so he'll be staying here with us" my uncle said.*Tell me this is not DESTINY😊!!*
"Are you listening ... Sharp!!!", I broke out of my day dream. " Yea... don't worry I'll be a good Host" I responded. " Yea, I'll be in the hospital for the most time with him.But, I'll need you to show him around and make his feel welcomed. Your aunt has great things to say about him, who knows, our hospital might recruit him to work on our team."-Uncle. I smiled and responded, "Don't worry... we are well acquainted, he is definitely in good hands with me" I said.😊


Things seem to be back to normal, up until lunch on med campus. "Is there a reason you are behaving this way?" I asked Lam during our last lecture of the day. He looked up from his work and asked, "are you that gullible?". What is he talking a about, then Park turned to his boyfriend. " We've talked about this Lam..." he said glaring at Lam. This made Lam looked away from us, and completely ignored us.
" What did you two talk about? If you don't mind me asking" I asked Park, who seem to be on the edge as well.

" He is to not make comments about your relationship henceforth. You are a big boy, you don't need help from your best friend on mending your relationship"-Park said, a tad bit annoyed. I looked on quietly. " Park....Do you know why Lam is my oldest and closest friend?" I asked Park, to which he shook his head NO. " He is BLATANTLY HONEST... a guy like me. Don't need people that beat around the truth. I value Lam's opinion" I replied. Park looked at me sternly, and asked " You believe Beam is cheating with N'Sharp? I've been in his position before, and I'll hate to know the person that ought to believe me the most don't" Park said, then glanced over at Lam.

" I only voiced my OPINION Park!!!"-Lam yelled startling the entire class.  His boyfriend on the other hand, just looked on without care. Is there more to it, than just Beam and I situation. It appears they are going through their own turmoils. The Park I know would be trying to coax Lam, but he went right back to his studies. I'll talk to them when there's less tension between them. Then I sent Beam a text, "how about we skip classes tomorrow and let's take a little trip?" *SEND*


Forth sent me a text, asking we take a trip before the up coming spring break. It is still early in the week, what does he have in mind. But I told my friends I'm not feeling well and won't come in for lecture tomorrow. I know Ai'Pha will go on his rant, if he knew I was skipping lectures. Especially, since we have a test on Thursday. Forth picked me up when the day was over. He was in such a good mood, which in turn put me in a good mood.

" So where are we heading to?" I asked full of glee. He smiled and said, " It's a surprise!!!🥰"-Forth. I watched as he go on the highway, and before we got to our exit. I knew exactly where we were, he brought me to where we first made love. I felt my cheeks become hot, thinking of what we did here. " I figured, we go back to where it all started for us. You haven't left and I'm already missing you Beam" he said bringing the car to a halt.

We set up our tent ⛺️ by the lake, made fire and we made our dinner on open fire. "This is so romantic Forth!!" I said smiling next to him. He pecked me on the forehead and said, " Yeah... we needed this. So will I be able to visit you during the weekends?" He asked. " Yea, we can just get a hotel when you come. It will be over before you know it" I said. We made love under the stars, the entire evening was nostalgic.

Friday, finally came and I had all my stuff packed for the break. Grumpy Lam and his boyfriend are going to Japan; Kit and N'Ming are going back to his hometown and Phana and N'Yo are leaving for Singapore. I felt so bad leaving Forth by himself, but at least he'll be with his brothers. He hugged me tight, and held onto me until it was time for me to board my flight. It is a 4 hours drive and I didn't feel like driving. " I'll see you on Saturday okay!!" I said wiping the tear that was lingering on Forth's. We kissed and I boarded the plane. When I arrived, I looked around for my ride. Then I heard a very familiar voice. " Hello P'Beam! 😊 I'm your ride" -N'Shatp.😳

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