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" Are you waiting on your wife to call you?"-P'Earth asked me, as I kept glancing at my phone. Truth is, I haven't heard from Beam since he arrived at field placement. He also mentioned, how his preceptor offered him to stay at his place due to housing scarcity. I wouldn't be this worried, if this man wasn't N'Sharp's uncle. I know for certain N'Sharp is back in his hometown. What if he convince Beam to break up with me? There is so much going through my mind at this moment.

"Leave him alone Earth, our baby bro is experiencing the hard part of relationships. That's why I'm single"-P'Mew. I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by his statement. "So, you are single because you don't want to be cheated on?" I asked. P'Earth laughed, while P'Mew just gave me a smirk 😏. "No baby bro, I'm single because I can't stay faithful. I'm the CHEATER". Come to think of it, P'Mew have never had a serious relationship, one that we know of at least.

"Why is that? You choose not to be faithful?" I asked. He shook his head, " I'm not choosing, I just haven't met anyone that makes me want to be devoted."-P'Mew. In the mist of our conversation a call came in for P'Earth. " Hi, Babe how is work stuff going... are you having fun?... You met N'Beam!"-P'Earth. I quickly to up, looking at my eldest brother, who now has the biggest grin on his face. "...Oh, he was with a handsome guy, at your hotel!... They got a room TOGETHER!!!"P'Earth with such emphasis.

I could hear my heart racing, with sweat 😓 permeating on my forehead. Why is Beam at a Hotel... with a Guy? Is it N'Sharp? I gulp just thinking about it. I watched as P'Earth got off the phone with his fiancée. I was hoping he would fill me in on what is going on. " Did you guys already eat? I'm starving!!!"P'Earth. Is he serious right now!!!
" What did P'Anong say about Beam?" I asked. "You heard the conversation!Forth. Your wife is cheating on you!"-P'Earth said with a teasing grin. I threw a pillow at him.

"Calm down Forth, just call him to find out!"-P'Mew. For some reason all I could do was stare at my phone. I trust Beam, I trust Beam, I trust Beam!!! I said to myself, and took a deep breathe. "Let's order Chicken and Beer" I said to ease my mind. As I set my phone on the table, there was an in coming FaceTime call from Beam. I looked at my brothers who were on the edge of their seats, took a deep breath and answered the call.

The moment I saw those bright eyes and stiletto lashes. My heart quickly fluttered, "Hey babe... how was your first day?"- I said forcing myself to smile to hide my anticipation. Took a look around his background, I noticed he was in a hotel indeed. I gulped, P'Anong really met him at the hotel. "Yeah, it has been good...Forth I-I have something to tell you"-Beam. My heart began to palpitate, I watch my brothers look over at me wondering what Beam had to say. To calm my nerves, I quickly asked " did you check into a hotel?" I asked already knowing.

"Yea..I-I did... and N'Sharp is here too" Beam finally confirmed what I already knew. Here as in with him. I looked him in the eye and said, " P'Anong, already called to snitch on you...I TRUST you Beam" I said out loud. It was more like I was thinking out loud. "Forth, I'm here by myself "- Beam said, I guess he could see through my facade. " it wasn't right for me to be in the same house as him.." -Beam. This N'Sharp guy really have something install. I can feel in it, it was no coincidence that Beam just happened to end up at his uncle's hospital.


The way Forth blurted our that he trust me, confirmed I did the right thing checking into a hotel. Our relationship is out of the honeymoon stage and we are that stage that could make or break us. If we don't have trust, then must as well be single. I saddens me to see the worry in his eyes. I need to fight for this relationship as much as he does. I told him about my brunch tomorrow with P'Anong. Also, told him about my new friends Eamon and his boyfriend Ram. He taught how they met was also romantic, as I had when they told me their story.

" So, what do you say. You want to have phone SEX?" I asked acting cute 🥰. Then I heard,
" N'Beam... I guess you are not as innocent as you portray yourself huh" I heard P'Mew in the back. Omg 😳, did his brother hear me? Then, it was followed by a second roar of laughter from P'Earth. Oh fuck, they both heard me. Forth just smiled, and winked at me... then he sent a text saying. "I'm heading to my room.I'll call you in 10mins"-Forth. I felt so embarrassed 😩!!!

Forth did as he said he would, I suddenly felt shy ☺️. The thought of knowing, both his brothers were in the house with him made me talk myself out of it.
" Hey, Did N'Sharp try anything with you?" Forth asked. I shook my head no, " he.. he did confessed to me again. But, I set my foot down this time around. I believe he finally understand and won't make any advances" I said to reassure Forth. " cool, I'll come visit you next weekend... I really miss you"-Forth. I haven't seen this clingy side him in a while. Perhaps, absence does in deed makes the heart grow founder. " Don't worry, I'll see you next weekend. I miss you too." I said and we hung up.


Beam seem to be confused, I can tell he is hiding his true feelings for me because of the history he has with Forth. My family loves him, mother already referring to him as my boyfriend. I haven't lost all hope yet. He will be in town for the next 2 weeks. I'll make Beam Baramee fall for me, that I know for sure. It's not over yet!😊

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