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"Are you ashamed for your family to know about us?"-Gulf said to me. Truth is, it is far from that. I've never been this sure of a person as much I am of him. I actually plan to bring him to Beam's mom's wedding as my plus one. " Really!!! That's the conclusion you came up with? Hahaha" I replied. He said making that cute face. " Well, if I'm not a secret. Why can't I come sleep over tonight!!! I miss you"-Gulf. I was about to give in when I heard a lot of movement next door. " Let me call you back, I've to check on my brother" I said hanging up. I looked at the time, it is half pass 1am.

Forth look a wreck, I know he has been trying to get a hold of Beam all night. And finally, decided to drive 4 hours to go see him. There was no way, I was letting him go by himself. I watched how stressed out my brother was. *N'Beam, I hope you are passed out from drinking in your suite. For both you and my brothers sake*. Forth might look tuff on the exterior, but he has a big heart. Once, he cares about something or in this case someone he gives his all. Which I admire about him, but it is also his Achilles heel.

We arrived at Beam's hotel around 5am, but we were told he has not checked back in. Due to hotel policy, we couldn't wait in his suite. So we hanged around the lobby. Time flew by, and it was 7am. Still no Beam, and his phone was still turned off. Forth thought about calling his mom, but it hasn't gotten to that yet. I went back to the car to take a nap, while Forth insisted to wait in the lobby.

Then I was awaken by a ruckus, it was bright out now and the sun was shining bright. And across the street, was Forth pouncing on a guy. With Beam standing there in shock. I rushed out, I would have help but the guy on the ground look pitiful to beat up. After, the ragging blows he had received from Forth. I thought he was going to walk away, instead he stood up and smirked. That made forth loose it, but I got to him on time. Pushed him inside the car and drove off. All this went on, without a word from N'Beam. From what I recall, he just stood there, and watched us drive off.


I watched as Forth stormed toward N'Sharp. I was still in a daze to see him here. I watched them wrestle on the ground and I felt too numb about what was going on. In that moment, while I watch P'Mew drag Forth away, I knew there wasn't any word on how to resolve this. I was so angry, but in that moment as I watch P'Mew drive off with Forth. I knew there was no coming back from this one. I returned to my suite, put my phone on charge.
But it was not signaling that it was dead. I pushed the ON bottom to find I had 60% battery life.

" hahaha..." I laughed but my face was wet from my tears. " Is N'Sharp the Dharma, to my Karma?". I thought out loud. Normally, I'll be having a frenzy to prove to Forth my loyalty, but no matter what angle I look at it. It is still my fault, perhaps it's best Forth and I take a break. We keep cutting our problems at the stem, but our issues are deeply rooted . We would need to uproot our entire relationship. I look at my phone, then turned it back off to slip under the blanket.


My heart is still racing, from what just took place not long ago. P'Mew said he was too tired to drive, and refuse to let me drive in my current state of mood. So he checked us into a hotel. He quickly dozed off, while I sat at the lounge staring at my phone. *A part of me didn't want to admit it, but I wanted Beam to come after me. I waited for his call, the picture didn't seem right. But I wanted to hear his explanation* As, I sat in deep thought, staring at my phone, and getting anxious every time a notification came on

Two hours went by, and yet no phone call.*Not even an explanation? Don't I deserve that at least?* I felt tears streaming down my face. I went up to our room, where P'Mew was already up and having lunch. " What do you want to do now Nong? Should I check out so we can drive home?"-P'Mew. I kept looking at my phone, then looked at P'Mew. " We should head home".


I woke up hours later, in hopes the last 24 hours was a dream. I took a shower and when I got out turned on my phone. Then an out pour of text messages came in from N'Sharp. There were some from Ai'Eamon, checking on me. I received a text from even Ai' Pha checking up on me. So I gave him a call, "Hi Beammie!! How are things going over there?"-Phana asked. I tried to hold it in, but I spilt out everything that has happened to him.

Phana listened without chiming in, that made me feel like I was at fault. Then he said, " you stuck in a rock and a hard place. Based on what you said about N'Sharp's family being nice to you. How about talking to one of his parents about his behavior? If I was you, I'll get a restraining order on the kid." I listened attentively. " ... he struck me as he is entitled, and doesn't deal well with rejection. He's doing all this for your attention Beam. Be weary, and stay alert"-Phana

He has a point, truth is I don't want to come in contact with the guy anymore. My best option is the restraining order. "So, what about Forth... how do you plan to fix that?"-Phana. Before I could answer Phana,I received a call from front desk. "Hi, sir there's a Mr.Jaturapoom here to see you"-Clerk. Forth?? " yeah let him up... Ai'Pha, I'll talk to you later. Forth is here"- I said hanging up. Then came a knock, I opened up the door to Forth. He looked like he has been crying. " I don't deserve even an explanation, Beam?!!"-Forth. He looked so sad, this made my eyes weld up " Forth!!!...."

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