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A/N: This story have taken a lot of turns for me. I had 3 scenarios on how to end it in mind. But finally decided on this route. Will upload the last chapter today. Thanks for your patience 😊. Good things comes to those to WAIT!


Getting over P'Beam was harder than it seems. I called his phone countless times after the first time I arrived in Australia,but the number was no longer in service. My father was also not happy with my actions. He was so upset, that he seized my passport. Once I arrived in Australia.At first, I did all I can to forget Beam. From random hook ups, to plain just giving up. I didn't know a person could have such a hold on me like that. I had become obsessed, even his friends blocked me on social media, there was no way to contact him.

Then, I woke up one day and decided to make the most out of my stay in Australia. My father promised to give back my passport, if I enrolled in a College and get my life together. At first, I did it to gain my freedom again. In hopes, time would heal and I'll be able to get back to my regular life.Then I grew to like the courses I was taking, and above all a woman who made me smile with just her mere presence. Her name is Annie, she is half Thai and Aussi.

We hit it off right away, something about her eyes reminded me so much of P'Beam.  We started spending more time together. Frankly, I don't know if I'm with her, because she reminds me of P'Beam or because I genuinely enjoy her company.But  she is a good destruction for me. Mother also visited me when time permitted. I recruited her to convince my dad to allow me to go back home.

She informed me, I would be able to come visit them when the restraining order is lifted. Even then, I would still have to finish my education in Australia. I only had a few months until, the restraining order would have to be renewed. If I'm not in the country, then it doesn't apply. Then I received news that P'Beam was engaged. That message pulled on my broke my heart. *I never had a chance huh?*

I knew I couldn't force him to love me. But there was a time when we had chemistry.Like, when he would come to my aid, whenever his boyfriend was being mean me . Also, when he agreed to help me pick a song for my performance during the Moon and Star competition. Even, when I first kissed him, he didn't seem repulsed by it. I refuse to believe those words from P'Beam. That he didn't feel any connection between us.I couldn't have imagined these emotions. I wanted him and deep down in my heart, I know he did as well.I need to see P'Beam again, I need to sort out my feelings to move on.


N'Sharp showed up with a foreign girl to the brunch. " ....Oh hi P'Forth...". He finally said after practically frolicking over my soon to be husband . " Hi Nong, what is this about?" Beam asked him without pussyfooting around. Today, I wanted to be a bystander. Beam wants to end this once and for all. And if words doesn't get to N'Sharp, then perhaps my FIST 🤜 and some time in jail will set him straight.

" I see, you still want nothing to do with me" he gave a weak smile. Must as well have been only him and Beam at the table because, the moment he set eyes on him. He seem to not notice anyone, including the lady next to him. Then the waiter came around, and I waived to her. " Just black coffee for me, and orange juice for my fiancé" I ordered for Beam and I.

The girl next to N'Sharp, whom he has completely forgotten stated. " I'll have an omelette to go... I think I should wait in the car" she said obviously annoyed. He didn't even bother to introduce her, I'm guessing they are just friends.N'Sharp has not said anything. Then he cleared his throat and said " ...Umm, I guess congratulations are in order. Fiancé"- N'Sharp.

Beam nodded and smiled at me, to which I winked at him. " So, again why the sudden invite here?"-I asked again since he has yet to answer Beam. He looked directly at Beam, without diverting his gaze. " I just needed to sort out things with P'Beam. I guess you can say I need closure"-N'Beam. I almost stormy anger that was brewing, but I suddenly felt a squeeze on my hand under the table from Beam. " What do you want me to sort out?" beam ask with a stern look I haven't seen before.


" Did you ever like me back?... I know my feelings for you in the beginning was just one way, but then I sensed more when we were alone. I felt we, Alhambra chemistry. Did I imagine that?"-N'Sharp.
I squeezed on tightly to Forth's hand and said, " No... No you didn't imagine the chemistry". I felt Ai'Forth about to explode from anger. But I held on tight to his hand and looked at him. "... you need to hear this too babe😔" I said trying to calm him down.

When I turned to N'Sharp he had on a smile, that beamed with a glimmer of hope. " ... I honestly didn't understand what I felt towards at first. After, the time I've had to ponder on it. It was more of an infatuation. When Forth and I started out, no one had come up me with so much vigor and determination to pursue me. But above all, I wanted to be your friend. Your story about your childhood was some how relatable that I wanted to be that friend you yearned to have..."

I noticed Forth patting me on my hand, he smiled when our eyes met. " I love Forth, I've always loved Forth and I'll always will love Forth." This sentence made his smile. " ...But I won't deny that my heart was shaken by you kid. .. You seem to have find someone already" I said referring to the girl he came with. " It won't fair to you, to love someone who can't reciprocate your feelings. Move on Nong, try to find peace and happiness."

I watched as those tears made their way down his face. He nodded and said , " I needed this Phi... I needed to hear this. I wish you nothing but happiness"-N'Sharp got up with a smile. It seem genuine, honestly believe we won't be seeing again this time around. " Don't call or show up before BEAM again Sharp. I MEAN IT!!! Because it won't end well for you"-Forth. He smiled and said, " I won't P'Forth,I promise.are a very lucky man"-N'Sharp. We watch as he walked away, I believe him. He has matured since our last encounter.

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