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A/N: For those inquiring, I'm sorry I can't give an update schedule. But all I can promise is update when time permits me. Thanks for reading


I woke up this morning and reached over to Forth's side of the bed. Noticing the emptiness made me realize that, yesterday was not a dream. Forth really slept out. I quickly grabbed my phone to check if there was any text or missed calls from him. Yet, I was met with more disappointment. I dialed his phone, again he didn't pick up. I need to right this wrong, we can't allow this hiccup be the demise of our relationship.

Today is Friday,Forth and I was supposed to leave together for the SOTUS ceremony after classes. I looked at my packed luggage in the corner. I don't know if he would want me around. Should I wait till he returns? Or should I drive there to sort things out with him? I contemplated *Ding.Dong.* I heard my doorbell as I got dress for lectures. No one rings our doorbell, unless it is a package. But it is too early for delivery. I opened the door and in front of me stood N'Sharp with a tray of food. " Ummm, this might be a bit invasive. But, I thought you might want some breakfast. I made pancakes 🥞☺️"-N'Sharp.

I was a bit surprised seeing him at my door.
" Ummm Yea, thank you" I said. As I took the tray from me. He stood there awkwardly, smiling at me and scratching his head. " Phi... I was wondering if I can get a ride to campus? My car is acting up this morning" he finally said. Oh, he is having car trouble. For a brand new car it sure has a lot of faults with it. " Sure, do you have to be on campus right now? I Normally leave at 8:30 for my lectures" I said.

" Oh it's okay, my class doesn't start till 9:30 anyway. I can wait for you" -N'Sharp quickly replied. Well that's strange, it takes about 10 minutes to walk to the campus. Even if his car was not working, and his class start late. He can leave now by foot, and still have 2 hours to spare. Oh well, I'm not reading too much into it. " Do you want to wait here for me? Or..." before I could even finish my sentence he said. " I'll wait with you...☺️"- N'Sharp said walking in.


Last night was the crack in P'Beam's relationship I've been waiting for. This is the time for me to start dropping hints and win him over. *Think think think* what can I do? I need an excuse to be around him. *Ding 💡 * I decided to make him breakfast as an ice breaker. Just to get the conversation going. I walked up to his door and ranged the bell. He looked surprised, when he saw me at the door. I couldn't think of a good reason to stick around, so I lied and told him my car was not working. To which he agreed to give me a ride 😊.

" Phi your suite is beautifully decorated, it has a feminine touch" I said. Then he smiled at me and said, " this is Forth's vision, he has an eye for esthetics"-P'Beam. I forced a smile on my face when he said that, hmmm it will take more than a week to completely win him over I presumed. After, P'Beam was done eating. He put on his uniform and grabbed his car keys. I unconsciously licked my lips when he came out. I hope he didn't notice that but he looks so handsome right now with his hair coiffed. He has really dressed up neatly, more than usual. Is today a special occasion? "Let's get going Nong..." he said and opened the door for me. I couldn't help but grin like an obsessed high school fan girl.

Then, we got on the elevator and everything stood still when the door opened. In front of us was P'Forth, who glanced at me briefly. Then over to P'Beam from head to toe. There was so much tension, it could be cut with a knife.Then he moved to the side and said, " I'm here for my stuff..." then he made way for us to get off the elevator.

But P'Beam did not budged. In fact, he has not broken his eye contact from P'Forth since the doors opened. Then without looking at me, he said "Sorry Nong, I can't give you the ride"-P'Beam. With a heavy heart I got off the elevator, while P'Forth got on still not paying P'Beam no mind. Then the door closed, as I stood and watch. *I need another plan. Seeing P'Beam react like this, made me more attracted to him. It shows how loyal he is*.


I woke up to text messages and missed calls from Beam. I had put my phone on silent last night and went to sleep. I truly needed to reason things out for myself. This was a new side to Beam I had not yet encountered, he was really adamant about this kid that he was putting our relationship on the line. I can deal with a lot of things, but dishonesty ain't one of them. I watched him walk in the lobby with N'Sharp. That aside he rode in his car, with him ALONE! It was blatant disrespect and disregard for my emotions.

I woke up around 6am, went to the gym and proceeded to read Beam's text from last night. Then as I run on my tread I saw an incoming call from him. Suddenly, felt an ache in my heart.I couldn't bring myself to pick up, so I let it go to voicemail. After the gym, I joined Lam and Park for breakfast.
" You want an omelette?" Lam asked me. " You never offer to make me an omelette" Park said pouting . To which he earned a smirk from Lam.Are they serious right now? This is not the time to be flirting.

"Have you heard from Beam?" Park asked when I started eating. I shook my head no. " Okay, I'm going say something and I want you to just listen. I like N'Sharp, for who he is. Although, he is shameless about his attraction to Beam. I don't see him acting on it. If I was you, I wouldn't give him a reason to do so. Go talk to Beam, hear him out. He called me last night in tears. He isn't sound like a person who is willing to throw his relationship away." -Park.

I listened to him quietly, as Lam watch me. " Thanks for the breakfast, I'll be heading out first. I need to get my stuff for the ceremony". As I was walking of Lam said, " There nothing too big, that can't be sort out by communication. I'm mad at Beam too, but I agree with Park". I grabbed my keys and left to back home. I knew Beam would be heading to lectures around this time. A part of me don't want to run into him, but Park's words kept ringing my head.

Then I arrived at the lobby,waiting on the elevator. When the doors open, there Beam stood, frozen. This time he was not shocked but rather he looked hurt. "Sorry, I can't give you a ride Nong.."-Beam said time N'Sharp. I said nothing, rather watched N'Sharp get off and then board and clicked on the bottom for fifth floor. There was no words exchanged when I got on the elevator.

I got off when we arrived on our floor. I walked inside, while Beam trailed behind. He shut the door closed and said "Can you at least hear me out" with tears trailing down his face now. I can't deny it, seeing him in such a manner broke my heart. I took a deep breathe, put my hands in my pocket and said, " I'm all ears.... what excuse do you have for me Beam?...

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