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Tic. Tic. Tic. Time: 1:45am. I've texted Beam countless times and there's still no response. He mentioned he was going to dinner with his new friends and I haven't heard from him since. Okay, I'm heading there. Latest, by 5am I should be at his hotel. I hope all is well with him, but my instincts is telling me he is not. I grabbed my shoes and car key. " Are you heading somewhere? It is dawn!! 🥱"-P'Mew. " Yeah, something must be wrong, I haven't heard from Beam since he left for his dinner." I said. " Do you want me to come with you... never mind, I'm coming with you. Wait, let me get dressed"-P'Mew.

P'Mew decided to drive instead, he felt I was not in the right mindset to do and he was right. On our way there I kept calling Beam's phone. It kept going to voicemail at first, then it was suddenly turned off. What the hell is going on? I couldn't help but think the worse, " chill out Forth, maybe he misplaced his phone or something. Or he drank too much and has passed out or something."-P'Mew. I looked over at him, I really hope that's the case and not something else.

I was planning on showing up at P'Beams hotel, to have a word.when I noticed him getting in a car with some guy. He knows people in this city, I followed behind them to a restaurant downtown. It was then I noticed the other guy. I'm guessing they might be in his program as well, because they didn't seem with the area as well. I figured they would have dinner and then I'll follow him back to the hotel. Instead, they walked into a bar. I looked at the time, it looks like they won't be leaving anytime soon. Well, if you can't beat them, join them.

" Hi P'Beam!.." I said pulling up to their table. He look so pissed off seeing me. Well I knew there won't be a red carpet rolled out to me, since he hates my guts. " Hi I'm Eamon, and this is Ram.." he said introducing himself and his slightly inebriated boyfriend. " Hello, I'm Sharp... I'm friends with Beam" I said smiling at P'Beam who was busy chugging his drink. I watch as he turned down women and men, Beam is truly alluring. If I was Forth, I let him out my sight. "So, are you also a medical student?" -Eamon.

"No, I'm an economy major, I'm not that brilliant to be a doctor hahaha" I replied, to which we cheered and laughed. P'Beam was still not paying me no attention, I went over to the bar and ordered more drinks for the table. " Hey, bar tender this is an extra tip for you. Can you make sure my friend in the white shirt gets extra shot of vodka, he prefers his drinks strong" I said. He winked at me, catching on to what I was insinuating. *Since Beam prefer to drink than have my company, let's give him what he wants*

It was almost 1am when Eamon decided to call it a night, by now P'Beam and the Ram guy have passed out. " Hey, do you mind dropping Beam off at his hotel? I'm too drunk to drive, I'll take a cab home with Ram"-Eamon. I gave him a smile and replied, " He is in good hands. I hope to party with you two again" I said taking P'Beam to my car. I watch as he mumbled in his sleep. He is really adorable when asleep. The I heard his phone go off again. It has been going off all night. *Caller ID: My World* I'm guessing that's Forth, I took the phone and turned it off.

Stepped on my gas and drove home. I carried Beam to my room. He smelled like alcohol, I took off his clothes up until his undies. I couldn't help but develop a semi hard on. " Fuck!!! You are so enticing!!" I said placing kisses over him. His skin tasted like honey. I moved to his lips, to take his in mine when he whispered, " Forth!!! Not there!! Hahaha" he giggled. " Ahhh, even in your inebriated state, you chose him over me huh?" I said out loud. As alluring as Beam, is right now. I couldn't bring myself to do anything to him. It felt wrong, it might be a bit one side right now. But I love Beam, I don't want him to hate. I'll win his heart one way or another. I pulled him into an embrace and cuddled him to sleep.

The next morning, I was awoken by birds chirping. Then I heard a settle knock at my door. "Sharp, son we having breakfast soon. Shower and come down stairs"-Mom. I put my finger on my lip to signal her to lower her voice. This made her curious, to which she opened my doo to find P'Beam in my bed. " 😱, are you two official!!!" She said with so much excitement. I walked her out of the room. Then, went and took a shower.

I got out to find a confused P'Beam on my bed. He is such a breath of fresh air. " Good morning handsome, you look even more beautiful in the morning " I said. He was stunned, his eyes went from my face to the towel on my waist. I bit my lips, because he definitely imagining the worse. " Calm down sleeping beauty, if I had done anything to you. You wouldn't be able to sit up" I said. " Then, why the fuck do you have me here!!!" He yelled. "My family is downstairs, you don't want them to think we are bickering right?".

He was not happy with that reply, he launched at me and swung on me. And I held his  hands down with all my strength.I do judo, and Beam could easily be a great opponent. We wrestled on the floor a bit, until I pinned him down. I felt his morning wood poking my thigh. " I can take care of that for you😏." I said licking my lips. He stared at me for a moment and said, "Get the fuck off me, where is my phone?"-P'Beam. " Oh your phone, it run out of power. It's on my dresser" I replied. He took a deep breathe and said, " Get me an Uber..."-P'Beam. I got off him, " I was only teasing Phi... how about breakfast with my family. Then I'll drop you off at your hotel?" I said to coax him. He was really pissed off at me, " NO!!! That won't be happening, I'll get a cab then"-Beam.  I smiled and said, " we live in a gated neighborhood, you would have to walk at least a mile to find a cab. I'll take you myself.. I just need to put on clothes".

He didn't fight me anymore, he said hi to my family and said he had an urgent matter to attend to and couldn't stay for breakfast. It was complete silence in the car,up until we were approaching his hotel.
" N'Sharp, I hope this is he last time we see each other. Please, don't show up in front of me again"-P'Beam. I looked at him for a moment then pulled up to his hotel.

I quickly got out when he stepped out and screamed. " I LOVE YOU!!! AND I'LL KEEP LOVING YOU UNTIL YOU GROW A HEART FOR ME". Suddenly,I felt a fist to my face. It was P'Forth, he screamed " Beam!!! What the fuck are you doing with him!!! I thought I could trust YOU!". He said with tears running down his face and stunned P'Beam looking on. Next, some random guy pulled him in to the car and they drove off. P'Beam looked down at me, with so much anger and went inside.

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