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"God why," I pant nearly stumbling over my own feet,
"Come on shitty hair, we're almost done."
"Why, run, anymore?" Bakugo slaps me hard on the back,
"Because the school is right over the hill, get going." I respond by sinking to the ground.
"Nooooo," rolling onto my back I meet Bakugo's eyes, his hands are on his hips and he stares at me a small amused frown on his face.
"It's thirty feet Kirishima,"
"I'm done,"
"Hey, so do you have gills?" His head cocks back, eyebrows raised,
" You heard me,"
"Are you trying to distract me?"
"Trying to buy myself time to breathe yes."
"You can breathe when we get up to the school." Bakugo slaps his hand against my forearm when I try to feebly lift it. "Quit being a pain Shitty-hair."
"But Bakugo," I groan,
"No buts-" he hauls me up by the arm nearly wrenching it out of it's socket, "-let's go." I teeter for a second before slapping one foot in front of the other.
"Are you going to answer my question," he stops and looks back, already several feet ahead of me,
"Do you have gills?" He glares at me before unlatching a water bottle from his waist, it's only now that I realize his water bottle is fucking huge. How did he even run with that thing slapping his thigh? It could have been his thigh.
"Watch," he takes a few gulps and I obey, hot diggity, he's very sweaty. "See?" I meet his eyes sheepishly,
"Eh, heh?" He scoffs,
"You saw didn't you?"
"Ah, so do I have gills?"
"I'm sorry?" He rolls his eyes, once again the water bottle touches his lips, he takes a gulp and tiny lines appear on his neck. "Whoa," Water drips out, it's almost like sweat.
"Gotta breathe somehow underwater." Bakugo says, "They get dried out after awhile though,-" he pops the cap back on the huge bottle, "-after about an hour I have to chug this entire thing."
"So like being anemic?"
"Do you know what that means shitty hair?"
"I wanted to sound smart." He makes a face almost like a grimace,
"You sound smarter sticking with words you fucking know shitty hair."
"Aight you got a point boo."
"I hate your fucking guts."
"I mean you said-" he pokes a finger into my mouth, I gag, "What the fu-"
"Shut up Shitty Hair." Bakugo takes off again for the school, I follow.

"Showers are fucking fabulous." I groan at the shower head.
"What the hell Kirishima."
"Hnnngh," I can almost swear I can hear him laugh, it's nice,
"What are you lovesick grinning at Kiri?"
"Mina!?" I slip and smack my ass into the floor slapping my hands over the jewels.
I have never heard such a high scream from a man.
"Whoa chill, I know what a dick looks like."
Mina shoots me an eye roll, but I have to side with Bakugo on this one, I don't want her knowing what his dick looks like, she'll tease me. "Mina please leave." Another eye roll,
"That's fine, I just wanted to tell you I found both of your clothes in the jock strap pile."
"Ah fuck." I sigh, "Thanks for letting me know Mina."
"It's no problem, I actually caught the culprits on video too, I'll show you later." I nod and she leaves. I stand back up only to back into the wall as Bakugo pokes his head into my shower stall.
"Whattheff-" he shoulders his way in.
"Dude, why did we use the stall showers?"
"Oh shut up." He puts his hands on his hips,
Oh fuck
Do not look down
Do it, Do it, DO IT,
"So, Pinky got them on video?"
"Yeah." I nod looking up at the ceiling, hands back to being planted between my thighs.
"Are," I peek down to see he's not meeting my gaze anyway, "you, sure you want to know?"
I gulp, "Yeah, maybe if we talk to them they'll stop." Bakugo sets his jaw.
"Possibly." He looks up at me,
Ugh his hair is actually flat,
He's so small but manly
You better appreciate that water going over his lucious-
"Kirishima," he steps forward, "I want to say," one of his hands flashes to grope the back of his neck, "Thank you, I know I'm hard to deal with, and as stupid as this whole idea was,-" I emit a scoff, "-it's still keeping my secret, despite me being an ass." He looks down, "so thanks, I owe ya."
"How about another blowjob."
Oh hoho YES
Bakugo's eyes widen, then he smirks,
Oh, oh yes, oh no
Of all things, all of them to possibly do, I snort, then:
"Pfft, of course not, I'm joking, heh, bro's don't play with bro's peepee's, that's in the bro code, heh," and to top it all off, "l o l," queue the fucking finger-guns. The smirk leaves, rightfully so, goodbye, I'll miss him.
You are a gay wreck
  A greck, Congratulations
I pinch my lips together, Bakugo grabs my hand, I look down at our entwined fingers, right before his lips are on mine, I'm pushed further up against the wall. My other arm wraps around his waist and I hoist him above me. He pops away and slaps a hand on my shoulder to steady himself,
  "Well aren't you cute?"
  "I'm gonna be real honest Bakugo, your giving off an intense bottom energy."
  His face turns red and he drops my hand to clap his over his mouth, his shoulders shake and I wrap my other arm around him. He looks at me to see a goofy grin that I know I have on, both his hands meet in my hair,
  "Heh, don't you ever say that again shitty hair, but it was funny, now put me down." I obey,
Am I the only one who noticed how absofuckinglutely gay that was?
Bakugo runs a hand through his hair,
Oh totes migotes
  "I guess we better go out and meet Pinky,"
You realize we're the voices inside your head Kirishima, we are you, and you need to ask him if he is GAY.
  "Oh yeah Mina's here, guess I got distracted."
Hey for once we are all in agreeance, and I think we all know he's gay
  Bakugo's smirk comes back,
Ask, him, ASK, HIM
  "Well, would you look at that, guess I did too," I watch as he slowly claws his eyes down, and up me.
I am fucking panting like a dog
He steps out of the shower and stretches, the muscles coiling in his back, it makes me fucking shudder. I'm staring at him so hard I'm sure he can feel it, I also hope that when he glances back with those crimson eyes he doesn't see me drooling. I also hope I looked away fast enough that he didn't see that I was looking.
I'm sure he wanted you to look because he's tasting the rainbow too you idiot
"I'll meet you in there Kirishima,"
  "Eh heh, yeah."

  "Geez it too you two long enough to stop screwing in the shower."
  "Mina we weren't-"
  "Oh yeah he pounded my ass so hard I had to pray to god I wouldn't split open."
  "What the fuck Bakugo?" Mina's frown nearly falls off her face.
Oh my god we have lift off
  Remember that time when Sero licked-
  Oh god we're good we're safe stop
  "Oh get off your high horse Pinky, you came here for a booty call too."
  "Koji can do some wild things,"
  "Video?" I question, Mina looks at me,
  "Oh you know I don't do THAT Kiri."
  "NO! I mean, the-" I hike up my shoulders face warm, "JOCKSTRAPS MINA!"
  "Oh, right." She whips out her phone taps it a bit then turns it to us, it's quite obviously taken by somebody hiding in a locker, but you can see a blonde with my equipment in hand.
  "Monoma?" He talks to the freshman I saw earlier as he walks on screen, my jaw drops a bit when I see Tetsu follow them in.
  "He was trying to get them to leave your stuff alone Kirishima, but for some reason Monoma was hell bent on getting your stuff in there too."
  "Dammit," I look at the blond with Mina, "That bastard can't just fuck with anyone I talk to, he threw Kirishima's stuff in there because he knew it'd piss me off."
  "Wait does he know you two are an item?" Mina asks,
  "Of course not you pepto fuck, Shitty Hair's gotten slow, I had to train him and Monoma wants either me to leave him alone, or him to leave me alone."
  "That makes no sense."
  "You don't have any sense Pinky!"
   I wave my hand in the space between them, "So what should we do about it?" They look at me. When they look back to each other and grin I feel my stomach drop.

     "Assistant Coach Kendo."

Heyo it's currently almost three in the fricken morning and I'm dead, so have this chapter which I don't remember writing half of and stay tuned for the next update, which by the way, remember when I was like: oh yeah updates once a week! Like a month ago on the last update? Yeheah me neither, I'm sorry about the absent update schedule it all depends on when my artist block ends, which today it finally did so whippee, there might be another update soon but right now I need sleep so goodnight y'all 😁

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