-17- Yibo's Paradise

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-17- Yibo's Paradise

This is the first chapter with the POV of Yibo. A review of his feelings and thoughts about Zhan. Getting to know him, falling in love etc. Maybe it will be a long chapter. I won't write regular alternating POV's of Zhan and Yibo. Just, in between the one or the other chapter. So you can understand Yibo a little better. And we start with the Current Day in the Story and then look back with Yibo. These are only short explanations, because we have already read similar things from Zhan.


Finally Zhan is in my arms. We are lying in his bed after a long hot shower and I hold him in my arms. I am happy, indescribably happy. But I am also afraid. I'm afraid of losing him again.

If my mother were alive, she'd probably tell me now, "I told you so."

My mother was a very esoteric woman who believed not only in the rebirth of souls, but also in fate, destiny and soulmates. She always believed strongly in it.

Back when Zhan and I had been friends for about a year, she smiled at me and stroked my head when I came home from a play date with Zhan. She sat me down on her lap, even though I was already too tall for that.

Then she looked me in my eyes and said, "Even now that you're so small, I can imagine how you two will be with each other later."

I asked her what she meant and she laughed. "You're too young to understand. But I'm convinced that sooner or later you'll have a very special kind of relationship with Zhan."

"What kind of relationship Mom?"

"It's called love."


"Yes. I believe you two are soul mates who fate has brought you together to fulfill your destiny. And your destiny is to love each other."

Admittedly, as young as I was, I always thought my mother was insane and never knew what she was talking about. I just knew she was crazy about Zhan from the beginning and had convinced even Zhan's mother that he and I were meant for each other and belonged together. Which at some point, Zhan's father also believed.

My big brother always laughed at me when my mother told me once again that I would have a relationship with Zhan one day. Heaven, I was seven years old and didn't even know what a relationship was.

And my father, well. He hated it when my mother started talking esoterically. He didn't understand it either, I guess.

Two years later, when my father lost his job and kept hitting my brother and me in his tantrums, my mother changed. He never touched her, he never hurt one hair on her.

He rather took out his anger and frustration about his unemployment, lack of money and alcoholism on my brother and me. Unfortunately, my mother was already very weak then and powerless against my father.

That's why Hai Kuan and I had been at Zhan's home for a long time. We almost lived there. Hai Kuan slept in the guest room and I slept in Zhan's room. The closeness to Zhan, my best friend, was very good for me and my soul.

I always really blossomed during this time and loved to cuddle up very close to Zhan every night and fall asleep like that. He gave me security and warmth, which I was missing in my parents' house.

If Zhan's parents had their way, they would have adopted Hai Kuan and me and never let us go near our father again. But because we missed our mother and hoped our father would change again, we went home after two months.

Although I was back in my own room and could sleep in my own bed, which I also missed. I found it surprisingly difficult to fall asleep without Zhan. At first I thought it was just unusual, but even after three months it hadn't improved. Only when I was with Zhan and stayed there overnight, cuddled up to him, could I fall asleep immediately.

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