Secrets and love do not fit together, as this story proves. What happens when secrets are created in the name of love, but they make the love suffer? Can the secrets be revealed and does love get a new chance?
This story is fan fiction and has nothi...
Since Xinxin and Yibo have signed a peace treaty, at least until Xinxin is convinced of his seriousness about being her dad, Yibo came up with the great idea that we could go to the countryside on Saturday morning and spend the day between cows and pigs.
Uh, yes. My enthusiasm is limited. And on a Saturday morning at seven o'clock, I can truly imagine something better than going to the country and spending my time in the middle of nowhere.
Not that I have anything against country life. I like it. But I like my weekends off even better. Especially when I can sleep out and not be rudely awakened at half past six in the morning because Yibo and Xinxin are excited and can't wait to get going.
By the way, I talked to Yibo on Tuesday night. It was a long conversation in which I explained to him once again exactly what is expected of him as a dad. How he should or must deal with a child.
I also set out a few rules. Like how he shouldn't just drop us off and then disappear. That he should call if anything happens. That he should be reachable at all times from now on. Since he wants to drive Xinxin to the kindergarten and pick her up starting next week, he should be reachable at any time anyway.
But at the same time I told him that I understand that he has been alone in all these years and that it is a big change for him. I also explained that I am not making the rules to restrict him. But to avoid misunderstandings and problems between us.
I must admit, it felt strange to explain these rules to him. After all we are the same age and I felt like a teacher or a father explaining to his son how relationships work.
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But let's get back to the field trip first. After I dressed appropriately, I was pushed out of the house. Well, Xinxin pushed me and because I stubbornly pretended to be, Yibo just lifted me up and carried me to the car. Which Xinxin found super funny. I rather less, but never mind.
Now I sit here at the wheel of my car and drive to the countryside where I didn't want to go, I'm totally tired and my two loving ones, who wanted it so badly and woke me up extra early, are sitting asleep in the car. That's exactly how I imagined a trip as a family.
After two hours drive, we finally reached the farm. Yibo had informed himself about it before. Families can come here and help with milking, looking after the calves and feeding the pigs. Getting chicken eggs from the henhouse and harvesting fruits and vegetables according to season, which you can then take home.
None of this is cheap. But for families a great way to spend the day. And if you want, you can also stay overnight. But then you have to really help out at work and then nothing is voluntary anymore. And for that you have to pay a pretty good amount of money.
Yibo and Xinxin are finally awake again. They stand next to the car holding hands and look at me sleepily. "Come on, let's go to work. You're the ones who wanted to come here." I said and pointed to the cows the farmer had just brought out.
After a briefing in milking, my two dear ones were allowed to do it themselves. Xinxin found this funny and Yibo soon threw a tantrum because the cow he had to milk didn't stand still for a moment and knocked him over twice. Meanwhile I washed a cow.
After the cows came the calves. And that was an experience for Xinxin and Yibo that they will surely talk about for years to come. Xinxin held the bottle out to one of the calves and let it drink its milk. But when the bottle was empty, the calf decided to try to see if Xinxin's hand could also produce milk.
It sucked on her hand and half her arm. Yibo pulled Xinxin's arm out and because the calf didn't like that at all, it pushed Yibo. And Yibo fell on his butt, which the calf used to sniff Yibo thoroughly. Especially in the genital area. Yibo's eyes soon fell out in shock.
When I was just coming from the toilet, I heard a loud scream from the chicken coop. Typically it was Xinxin and Yibo. The two of them were asked to check the hens' nests. But the rooster had something against it and chased the two now through the henhouse. Loudly screaming they ran around in a circle and the rooster always followed them.
After the farmer had freed the two from the henhouse, they went on to the pigs. There are super sweet little piglets. Yibo and Xinxin were happy about it and tried to catch the little piglets. But the mother sow did not like it at all. She ran after them and before I even realized what was going on they were both lying in the mud.
I think I have never laughed so much in one day in my life as I did today. No matter what they tried, it didn't work. Even the cats on the farm had something against them, they smelled like cow and pig shit.
What can I say, even the farmer laughed tears.
And when I thought they were finally giving up, they wanted to try it again with the geese. But they hissed as soon as we got close.
At the end of the day my two were completely finished. They were covered with mud from top to bottom, stinking like cows and pigs and you could tell they had a hell of a day behind them.
I was completely happy to go there. It had been a very amusing day. I'll tell my grandchildren about it. Just the sight of those two running through the henhouse screaming and being chased by the rooster is worth sacrificing my Saturday morning and sleeping in.
We then plucked some apples and went to our car. I guess I will have a very quiet drive back. Because those two look like they're about to fall asleep on their feet.
But I think it was a good day for them too. Because such experiences weld together. And they will remember this day for a very long time.
As I suspected, we were only a few minutes on the road when the two who were sitting in the back seat, fell asleep. Xinxin fell asleep with her head leaning against Yibo's arm and Yibo's head was leaning against the window.
When we got home, I woke them both up. They went upstairs and Yibo put on his swimming trunks and then sat in the bathtub with Xinxin.
After the bath we had dinner and then they went to the sofa to watch an animated movie. In the end Yibo lay sleeping on the sofa and Xinxin on top of him. They were snoring like crazy.
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