The Vision

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His emotionless mask stared you down, sending shivers of fear through your limbs.

You'd heard horror stories about him. About what he'd done. Your blood felt cold as it ran through your veins. Your breath was trapped in your chest, refusing to enter your lungs. Just the sight of him made you feel like you were dying. He was huge, his head almost at the same level as yours, even kneeling. You sat, frozen, staring into the black holes of his mask.

"Are you comfortable?" A robotic, cold voice seeped out from under the metal.

His words took you by surprise. There was really a human under there. You tried to reply, but your words got stuck in your throat as you opened your mouth frozen in fear. Your jaw hung open, wordless.

He slowly shifted, moving from his knees to standing upright. As he did, his true height towered over you. He was undoubtedly the biggest man you'd ever seen. Even under all the robes, you could see the outline of rippling muscles. Your face flushed red. He was silent for a moment, considering you. You suddenly became aware of how little clothing you were wearing, embarrassment washing over you. You wanted to reach to cover yourself, but the cuffs held you captive. You started to sweat, feeling exposed.

"Describe your affiliation with the Resistance." He said cooly, stepping closer, his invisible eyes scanning you.

You cleared your throat, trying to take a deep breath.

"I was an engineer-" You managed to choke out, "I fixed ships when they came back busted."

"Yes," he replied, taking another step towards you, "But that's not all."

You stared at him, you eyes flashing with terror. A horrible thought raced through your mind. You'd heard rumors about him. That he had special abilities. Powers, almost, that made him able to read people's minds. Ridiculous, you'd always thought. That wasn't possible. But, looking at him now, you weren't so confident.

"No-" you forced out, "that was all."

You knew deep down that lying to him was the wrong decision. Still, you let the words escape your lips.

He paused, tilting his head slightly.

"You're lying." He whispered, his synthetic voice echoing against the metal on the walls.

"No," you lied again, pursing your lips together.

He moved even closer, his robes brushing against the base of the chair. To your horror, he slowly raised his leather-covered hand. He leaned towards you, his hand stretched out towards your face.

"If you won't tell me the truth, I will have to take it from you."

You stared at him, your heart racing.

"Please-" was all you could manage as you felt tears start to well in your eyes, "I-"

He slid his hand right up against your forehead, the lifeless void where his eyes should have been meeting your gaze. Suddenly, you felt your whole body freeze. You tried to move, think, breathe, anything. Nothing worked. You'd lost all control of your body. A moment later, a searing pain tore through your head. It was like a sledgehammer had been brought down on you, cracking your skull straight in half. Your brain felt like it had been squeezed to the point of explosion. The pain overtook you, and all you could do was focus on it. There was no escape. You began to go numb from the intensity of it, feeling your eyes droop closed. A voice entered your head, amid the agony. Kylo Ren's voice. It was like someone had put a loudspeaker up to your ear, but he wasn't saying anything out loud. The voice consumed you. It tore through your mind, seeping into every nook and cranny in your brain. 

Do you think you can lie to me? He hissed coldly. Did you think I wouldn't know? 

You felt yourself scream in pain, although you couldn't hear anything but his voice. 

Stupid, stupid girl. He whispered. When will you learn that there is no fight against the First Order? Against me. 

You felt a tight force close around your throat, choking all of the air out of your lungs. 

You'll pay for your actions, fool. 

You felt yourself cough up the only remaining air you had, your head falling back against the hard metal. Reality started to fade away. You could feel the awareness drain from your mind. Everything was numb now. Your body had gone into shock from the pain. It was shutting down.

But as you started to lose consciousness, you suddenly saw a vision. A picture, clear as day, in front of your eyes. A young man, around 18, sitting on his knees in front of you. You were in a room that looks a lot like one from Starkiller. He had shoulder length black hair, flowing in waves around his face. A strong chin outlined his jaw and piercing dark eyes, flecked with little golden marks stared back at you. His face was covered in beauty-marks, and his shoulders were the broadest you'd ever seen. He was the most beautiful man you'd ever laid your eyes on. You almost tried to say something to him, to ask him what was happening, but you quickly realized that he couldn't see you. He was looking straight through you. His dark eyes were filled with tears, his large hands cupped in his lap. You realized, looking down, that he was gripping something. A lightsaber. He was rocking back and forth, trying to comfort himself as he sobbed. He looked helpless, desperate. You wanted to reach out and touch his arm, to tell him that it was going to be okay. You'd never seen anyone who looked like they were in so much pain.

But suddenly, he screamed, throwing the saber across the room and collapsing onto the floor. His body racked with sobs, he curled into himself and groaned.

"Fuck the Jedi," he cried, "Fuck Skywalker, fuck it all-" He cut himself off as another sob tore its way through his body.

You couldn't take it anymore. You launched yourself forwards, trying desperately to reach this boy. You wanted to take him in your arms and cradle him. You wanted to stop his cries and to tell him that whatever was tearing him apart would get better.

But as soon as your hand reached his body, his figure dissipated into a cloud of black smoke. The rest of the scene started to disappear around you, fading into mist and dropping you into a black void. You tried to speak, but your voice was drowned out by the blaring sound of screams. Thousands of voices, wailing all at once. The sound tore through your head as you pressed your hands against your ears, trying desperately to force the sound out. It was no use. You fell back into the void, you mind going blank again as you quickly faded out of consciousness.

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