Unwanted Feelings

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You snapped awake suddenly, gasping and sucking a deep breath into your lungs. Your mind was foggy--You weren't sure exactly where you were. You glanced around the room with cloudy eyes, listening for any noise. Silence met your ears, making you even more confused. The only sound was a steady beeping from a panel on the wall. You looked down slowly at your body. Cuffs

Suddenly, you knew exactly where you were. The memories came flooding back to your mind like a waterfall. Kylo, the pain, the vision, the boy... You started to hyperventilate, suddenly feeling strangled by the shackles. You felt stinging tears in your eyes again as you struggled against them, your skin growing raw from rubbing against the metal. 

Just as you were starting to panic, the door in front of you flew open. Kylo marched into the room, rage radiating off of his robes. He tore towards you, the heavy metal door slamming behind him. You were trapped. He shot out his gloved hand, pinning your head back against the metal with his fist clenched in your hair.

"How did you do it?" He demanded, pulling harder on your scalp and forcing your head farther back. "Tell me. Now."

Your breath shorted in your lungs. You had no idea what he was taking about.

"Yes you do, damnit." He hissed angrily. Even under his mask, you could tell he was glaring at you. You could feels his eyes scanning you like a laser. "Now tell me, worthless girl, or I'll make this very painful for you."

"I-" You try to choke out, "I'm not sure what you mean. I--I'm really not."

He pulled your head forwards and then slammed it back into the metal. Pain exploded through your skull.

"You invaded my mind." He whispered with poison in his voice, "How did you do it?"

Invaded his mind? Suddenly, you realized what he meant. The boy you'd seen. That was Kylo? Were those his memories? How had you seen them?

"So you do remember." He snapped you out of your thoughts, raising his other hand and pressing it up against your neck.

"How did you do it?" He demanded again, pressing against your windpipe.

"I-" You choked, feeling your pulse quicken. Fear shot through you for a moment, but quickly--another sensation creeped in. You hated to admit it, but his hand against your neck made you feel something other than fear. You thought about that boy. Was he really the person under that mask? There was no way that the helpless person you'd seen sobbing in front of you was the terrifying Kylo Ren. But if he was... To your own horror, you felt yourself blush. You were fucking turned on.

Like you'd shocked him, he quickly recoiled his hand from around your throat, retracting his arm and stepping back towards the door. You felt your face burn, this time from embarrassment. He could read your mind, you remembered. If he didn't want to kill you before, he definitely did now. You closed your eyes, expecting him to snap your neck right then.

Instead, he just stood there, silent. He didn't move for what seemed like forever. Maybe he was contemplating the most painful way to kill you. Maybe he would suddenly reach out and slap you across the face. That would be hot, too your mind whispered defiantly. You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of embarrassing thoughts. Your heartbeat quickened in your chest as you watched his chest rise and fall under his robes. Again, you couldn't help but notice his defined muscles underneath them. His mask stared at you, lifeless.

Finally, he stepped slowly towards you, his hand still stretched out. 

"You like that, don't you?" He whispered. His mechanical voice dripped out of his helmet, slowly. Coldly.

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