Family Forgives

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When you finally pried open your eyes, your heart slamming painfully in your chest, your gaze was met with a small room, the walls lined with tall bookshelves and tapestries, maps and posters covering the inside of the tent. Poe was no where to be seen, and you blinked confusedly, peering around. In the middle of the room sat a long wood table with several chairs surrounding it, papers and books piled haphazardly on its surface. You stepped froward out of the entryway and into the space, taking a deep breath as you looked around. Your heart was still beating wildly as you made your way to the table, running your hand along the wooden surface and glancing at the books scattered across it. As your eyes flicked over the papers, you immediately noticed something familiar. The handwriting. Leia's handwriting, you realized, a shiver running down your spine. You glanced up at the walls, observing the overlapping posters and banners, all the different words and colors overwhelming your eyes. But as you looked closer, something small caught your eye. Almost completely hidden behind a much larger tapestry, was a small picture, half of a face poking out. You walked over to it, thumbing carefully at the paper and pulling it out into view. As soon as you did, your heart dropped. 

You knew this picture. A young Ben Solo stared up at you, a small, complacent smirk on his lips as his raven eyes gleamed in the sun. His shaggy mop of hair framed his thin, freckled face, and you ran your fingertip over his brown leather jacket, as if you'd be able to feel the fabric through the glossy paper. You remembered when you'd seen this picture the first time, when you and Leia had gone through her photos. It felt like such a long time ago now. You hadn't really known who Ben Solo was then. You weren't sure if you even did now. 

You were ripped from your thoughts as footsteps approached behind you, making you jump as you blinked back the mist forming in your eyes. You turned, facing Poe as he walked up to you, his face covered in concern. 

"I'm not sure about this." He mumbled, resting his hands at his waist. "I don't know how she'll react to seeing him. Or you."

"It'll be fine." You responded reassuringly, half-trying to convince yourself, too. "Where is she?"

"She's in the other room writing," Poe said, his voice quiet as he got lost in his own thoughts. He gestured towards the back of the room as you noticed another doorway, a white tapestry hanging over the entrance. "You can go back there now."

"Did you tell her I was here?" You whisper-hissed, your heart pounding. 

"No," He sighed, rubbing his temples, "I chickened out." You groaned, punching him annoyedly in the arm. "Ouch," He complained. 

"Oh really?" You rolled your eyes, gesturing towards the festering wound on your shoulder. He winced, laughing nervously. 

"I'm so sorry, again." He chuckled, looking guilty.  

"Mhm." You pushed past him, your feet feeling like they were made of cement as you dragged them along, making your way towards the door. Your ears started to ring with a deafening sound, making your head ache as you approached the entrance, your arms shaking as you reached forward, your fingers feeling along the edge of the tapestry. You turned around briefly, glancing at Poe once more as he flashed you a reassuring smile, giving you a cheesy thumbs up. You nodded, turning back around and grabbing the fabric in your fist, pulling at it hesitantly. You closed your eyes as you stepped forward, leaving Poe behind as you crossed the threshold into the new room, your legs shaking violently. You took in a deep breath, pausing at the doorway and slowly cracking open your eyes. When you did, your whole body froze. 

There she was, sitting back faced to you at a small, wooden desk, her head hung as she haunched over a book, scribbling frantic notes onto the paper. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun at the back of her head, and a grey jacket fell over her shoulders. You watched her for a moment, not able to move, or speak, or even think. You just stared, your mouth hanging open stupidly. But finally, your brain started to function again, a string of words piecing together in your head. You gulped, straightening your spine as you tried to composed yourself. Somehow, Leia still hadn't noticed you, and you sighed, readying yourself. 

Our Little Secret (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now