Adrenaline Rush

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Wake up.

A voice entered your mind as you slept, making your whole body shiver. You sat up abruptly, groaning as the sharp pain in your head returned--but much more bearable than the night before. You looked around the room, absorbing your surroundings. The first thing you noticed was that Kylo wasn't in the bed next to you anymore. His covers had been pulled back, an empty spot now in the place of his body. You sighed, pulling the sheets around you one last time before sliding out from underneath them. It felt like the room had gotten colder since the night before, and you quivered as your bare feet hit the ground. You stood, carefully testing your legs. To your relief--they worked. Finally able to move again, you scurried to the door, wanting to escape before Kylo could come back from wherever he was. You weren't in the mood to talk to him. 

But just as you opened it into the hallway, the door on the other end of the corridor hissed open. Your stomach dropped and your body froze as you stared--mouth hanging open. Kylo stood at the entrance, his mask meeting your gaze. 

"Leaving?" His voice reverberated down the long passageway. 


"How's your head?"

"Fine." You glared at him, crossing your arms. Now that you were fully conscious again, you found it funny how he'd pretended to be concerned for you. After all, he was the one who'd inflicted the pain on you. Then he'd tried to fix it. It was disgusting. Manipulative. Just another reason why he was a monster. You shot the thoughts at him, fuming. 

He ignored you, suddenly stalking down the hall towards you. You tensed, but as he approached you, he didn't even look down in your direction. He kept his gaze on the door behind you, and you had to jump out of the way as he strode past, nearly knocking you over. Ass, you rolled your eyes, making your way in the other direction. You couldn't wait to get away from him. 

The door slammed shut behind you as you left his quarters, spilling out into the hallway. You whipped around, glaring at it as if he could still see you. You were fuming as you made your way back to your room, thinking of all the reasons why you hated him. You hoped he could hear you as you came up with every insult you could think of--fists clenching. You imagined how it would feel to land a punch straight to his face--his gorgeous, perfect face. You rolled you eyes. Why couldn't you just hate him for a minute without remembering how much you actually didn't?

On another note, you were starting to get used to Starkiller's maze. You recognized certain places, and you made it back to your room with almost no confusion. Slipping inside, you found your wristwatch sitting on the couch. You had no idea what time it was. 2:30, it read. 2:30? You'd slept late again. For a moment, you almost forgot about your new "job". But realization hit you quickly, dread creeping over you. You cringed at the thought of seeing Quill--or anyone for that matter. All you wanted to do was hide under your sheets--away from Kylo, away from this hell you were living, away from every thought in your head. But you didn't have the luxury of choosing, so you grudgingly grabbed your uniform and stalked into the bathroom. As you slipped out of the clothes Kylo gave you, you couldn't help but run your hands over the smooth black fabric, thinking of him, holding you close in that shower. You'd felt so safe. So protected. It was stupid to feel that way--you knew. He was the one that had hurt you. But his lips against yours made you forget all of that. You seemed to always forget the bad things he'd done as soon as he touched you--and you hated yourself for it. 

As you pulled the stiff uniform over your body, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror. As you did, your heart dropped. You didn't even recognize your reflection. Bruises covered your skin, a giant purple and blue stain spilled across your forehead. That was where his helmet had hit you, you realized, feeling anger boil in your blood. The eye below it was black, and your lip was split on the right side. There was no way you'd be able to hide it. Thankfully, your starchy uniform covered the rest of your skin, but your face was the most bruised. It looked like someone had tried to kill you. Well, they kind of had. 

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