No Consequences?

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You were woken up gently as a hand laid against your leg from over the sheets, a person's weight sitting down on the edge of your cot. You rubbed your tired eyes, blinking away the sleep as your gaze fell on the nurse's shadowed figure, the early morning light just beginning to trickle into the tent behind her. You shifted, sleepily pushing yourself up against the back of the bed as her gaze fell on your shoulder. She furrowed her brow. 

"How are you feeling?" She asked in a whisper, glancing around the room at everyone else, who all still appeared to be fast asleep. Even Kylo was still knocked out in the bed next to you, a faint snore escaping his lips as he laid flat on his back. You smirked at him, but turned back to the nurse.

"Better." You said quietly, sitting up all the way.

"I'm glad." She sighed, pausing. "Did you do something to your bandage? It looks funny." You tried your best not to smirk at the memory of the night before, your face blushing deep red. But in the darkness of the room, she probably couldn't see. You hoped. 

"No," You said innocently, looking down at it, "Haven't touched it."

"Hm." She said dismissively, suddenly reaching into her white lab coat and pulling out a thermometer. "Open." She ordered, leaning forward and shoving the cold tip into your mouth, resting it underneath your tongue. She let it sit there for a moment, still eyeing your bandage suspiciously. But she didn't say anything else about it, instead waiting for the thermometer to start to beep, reaching forward and yanking it from your mouth. 

"100." She said, sounding almost aggravated as she observed the results. "At least it went down a little." You nodded as she leaned forward again, this time digging into the side table and pulling out a white cloth. She stood, quickly walking to the back of the room and running it under the sink before returning to your bedside and pressing it to your forehead. She let it fall over your eye sockets, the cold fabric feeling amazing against your skin. You sighed, the chill sinking into you relaxingly. 

"I'll be back in a few hours to check on you again," The nurse said from your bedside, and you began to hear her footsteps walk away from you. But suddenly, something in you told you to sit up again, calling for her. 

"Wait!" You whisper-hissed, her tread stopping and moving back towards you.


"I forgot to ask your name." You said stupidly.

"Oh." She said, "Jina."

"Nice to meet you Jina." You said, "My name's Y/N." As you spoke, you heard her gasp quietly. "What?" You questioned, reaching up to move the cloth off your eyes. When your gaze fell on her, she looked like she'd seen a ghost--which you kind of were. 

"Y/, best friends with Quill Fawner Y/N?" Quill. At the mention of his name, your blood instantly ran cold and you leaned forward, your eyes wide. 

"You knew Quill?" You breathed, your mouth hanging open. She nodded vigorously, sitting down on the edge of your bed again. 

"Yes!" She whispered, smiling from ear to ear. "He...we, um, we were kind of a thing."

"Oh!" You said, shocked. Quill always told you everything. Why had you never heard about her before? "Really?"

"Mhm." She nodded, smiling shyly. "At least, you know...until he got--" Her lips thinned into a straight line, and she looked down at her lap, sadness falling over her expression. Your heart dropped, but you reached towards her, laying your hand on top of hers. "Do you know what happened to him?" She asked slowly, meeting your gaze. You sighed. 

", we were both taken back to Starkiller after we were captured, but for a while we didn't know that we were both there. Then when we finally saw each other again we just couldn't believe it...I'd thought he was dead. Just like everyone else..." You gulped, fighting the lump starting to form in your throat. "I got to talk to him for a while, but then--" You weren't sure how to explain. I killed a trooper trying to protect him and I never saw him again? "We got separated, and I'm not sure what happened to him. I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you more."

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