A Familiar Face

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Kylo spun back around to face you, rage radiating off his robes. The room was hot, and sweat dripped down your body. Kylo continued to watch you in silence, heaving in ragged breaths. Your head was a mess of emotions. You wanted to slap him across the face, to take his lightsaber from his side and slice it through him. You wanted to scream every curse word you knew in his hidden, coward face. You wanted to bash his head against the side of the wall and make him beg for mercy. You wanted him to feel every bit of pain he'd inflicted on you. You wanted him to suffer. But then you remembered how he'd looked just moments before--a shaking mess. And as much as you hated to admit it, a part of you wanted to comfort him. The thought made you sick--wanting to help someone who'd just tortured you relentlessly. He didn't deserve your pity, but somehow, you couldn't help it.

"General Organa-" He seethed from under his mask, "lied to you."

"No-" you hissed back, spitting at him, "fuck you, fuck you, fuck yo-"

Kylo lunged forward, pinning his hand around your neck in a tight grasp.

"Watch your mouth, scum-" He muttered, his words like venom in your ears, "You do realize that we don't need you anymore. I could kill you right now."

"Fucking kill me then you bastard," you spat back, fighting for breath. Your eyes burned with a new fire as you glared at him, "I don't care anymore."

He stayed completely still, his hand still pressed against your windpipe. Your vision started to go spotty as he kept his grip, never relenting. Your pupils rolled back into your head as suddenly, he released you. You took in a frantic deep breath, gasping as your head spun. When you opened your eyes again, you couldn't see straight. Kylo was split into three in front of you, and the rest was too blurry to make out. Groaning, you tried to focus on your breathing. When the world finally came back into focus, you rested your head against the back of the chair, panting. 

"She lied." He said again. He sounded calmer now.

"She didn't."

"She did."

"How did she lie, you son of a bitch? You think I'm ever going to believe you?" You narrowed you eyes at him, wincing at your headache that was starting to appear. 

"She said her son was stolen. That isn't true." You froze, peering at him in astonishment.

"You knew Ben Solo?"

"Yes." His tone started to sound aggravated again. It was like the name made him angry.

"How?" His breathing sped up, and you could hear him exhaling furiously from underneath his mask. He didn't respond, and instead started to pace around you, his boots slamming against the floor. He grabbed at his saber again, pulling it from his belt and squeezing it in his fist. He didn't ignite it, but held it next to him. Your heart started to race. 

"He-" He started to mutter, but stopped in front of you, looking at you up and down, "I knew him. That's all you need to know."

"What happened to him?" You whispered.

"He died many years ago." He responded, each word coming slowly, "But he was never stolen. He chose to join the First Order. He realized his true potential. The Resistance never knew how to handle his power. They were scared of it." You took in a deep breath, feeling your limbs start to shake. 

"How did he die?" 

Kylo paused, stepping towards you in slow strides.

"I killed him." He whispered, his voice cracking, "I murdered him." Your breath caught in your chest, anger bubbling in your blood. Your heart lurched in your chest as his words processed in your mind. You felt sick for Leia. You wanted to lunge at him, to tear his mask from his head and smack him with it. He deserved all the suffering in the world.

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