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You sat in silence for hours, waiting for Kylo to come back. But eventually, you couldn't help but lay your head down on the soft mattress, drifting off to sleep. You dreamt of Quill--staring at you with teary eyes as you were pulled away from him. You dreamt of Kylo--his voice reverberating through your mind as he told the troopers to release you. You dreamt of his body--hot and sweaty--pressed up against yours as his lips grazed over your bare skin. But you were snapped from your dreams as the sound of the door hissing open echoed down the hallway. You sat up quickly, rubbing your eyes. 

After a moment, Kylo busted through the entrance, shoulders slumped froward and chest heaving. You could hear his frustrated breaths under his mask as he stomped into the room, hands clenched into fists. His head pointed towards the ground and shaking side to side, he paced around in front of you. 

"What happened?" You asked quietly, standing up to walk towards him. He didn't respond at first, but he snapped his head towards you--making you freeze in fear. 

"Do you understand what you've done?" He seethed, pointing at you with an accusatory finger, "Hux is insistent that you be executed immediately. If Supreme Leader--" He cut himself off, dropping his arm back to his side. 

"Kylo," You whispered, reaching your hand towards him carefully and placing it on his wrist. Instantly, he recoiled from your touch as if you'd slapped him. Your heart lurched painfully as he backed away, turning his back to you. 

"Do you understand what kind of position you've put me in?" He said quietly, his voice cold.

"What position? I didn't ask for you to defend me." Kylo whirled around suddenly, rushing towards you. You yelped in fear as he grabbed you by your throat, squeezing your windpipe in his grasp. Your voice squeaked out quietly as he choked the air out of your body, your eyes bulging. 

"Do you want me to let you die?" He hissed, his mask inches from your face, "Maybe I should." You tried desperately to shake you head, but his hand prevented you from moving. Please, you whispered through you mind, your vision starting to go fuzzy, I'm sorry. He considered you as your face started to turn purple, the lack of air making your brain start to shut down. His mask started to distort before you as you blacked out, but just as you were about to fade away, he released you, your legs giving out and dropping you to the floor. You gasped desperately for air as you laid sprawled out on the ground, your vision slowly coming back. You peered at him above you, standing motionless. Recovering with steady breaths, you struggled to your feet, glaring at Kylo through thin slits of eyes. 

"Thank you for saving me." You said through gritted teeth, rolling your eyes, "I appreciated it."

"I shouldn't have." He responded coldly, "You're ungrateful for all the things I've done for you."

"All the things you've done for me?!" You exclaimed, your blood boiling, "Do you mean when you tortured me for information? Or when you smacked me over the head with your helmet? Or when you just tried to choke me to death?"

"I saved your life." He said cooly, "Would you rather be dead?"

"Maybe I would," You shot back, "You obviously don't care about my wellbeing. You just want me here so you have someone to fuck."

"You didn't seem to have a problem with that a few hours ago." He whispered, stepping closer to you. You paused for a moment, watching him. 

"Why did you save me?" You breathed, backing away from him. He continued towards you, his mask scanning over your body. He reached up slowly and unlocked it, sliding it over his head and revealing his face. His dark eyes met yours instantly, locking you in. 

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