You're My Little Secret

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"You'll come to my quarters tonight...that's not a question. It's an order..." 

Kylo's words rang in your ears as a trooper escorted you back to your room. Your head was spinning. The idea of sneaking off to Kylo Ren's personal quarters in the middle of the night made your stomach do flips. You still didn't understand what he'd meant when he said that he wasn't done with you yet. He'd gotten all the information he needed from you. There was no point for him to keep you alive anymore. Maybe he had another reason for wanting you around... No. You wouldn't let your mind go there. He would never feel anything real for you. 

Hours passed by in slow-motion as you sat in silence in your room. The anticipation ate you up inside, and all you could do was pace around and try to distract yourself. What if you got caught? There was no way that anyone would believe you if you told them where you were going. You could almost imagine the look one someone's face if you told them that you were on your way to meet Kylo Ren. 

After what seemed like years, the bustling sounds of the daytime died down out in the halls. You stopped hearing the marching of troopers outside your door, and silence fell over Starkiller like a thick blanket of fog. It was eerie, the way the once-busy base turned lifeless in minutes. Still, you were terrified to leave the room. With your luck, you'd run into someone and be captured before you could even reach him. But you'd head what Kylo had said. It wasn't a question of whether you would go or not. It was an order, and you were more afraid of disobeying him than anything else. 

You had to risk it. Tip-toeing to the door, you pressed against it. It opened with a hiss, and you winced at the echo that reverberated down the hallway. You'd taken off your boots, and your bare feet stung against the chill of the ground. You snuck down the hall, peeking around each corner before you rounded it. You weren't exactly sure of where you were going. He'd never told you how to get there. But for some reason, you felt pulled in certain directions. It was like something--a feeling--told you which way to go. You felt crazy, but when a large white door appeared in front of you, you scurried towards it. It towered over you, just like he did. You knew instantly that you were in the right place. Running your hands along the surface, you noticed that there was no handle. Your heart started to beat quicker as you frantically searched for a way in. It was terrifying, standing out in the open. Surely, someone would see you any minute now. Your hands got sweaty as you continued to struggle, panic engulfing you. You glanced frantically over your shoulder, eyes scanning the dark halls. 

"Let me in damnit!" You pleaded in a whisper, smacking at the door. Let me in, let me in, please, listen, you tried to reach him through your thoughts. Suddenly, the door made a loud hissing sound, flying open to reveal a long, white hallway. You hurried inside as it closed quickly behind you, slamming against your heels. You jumped, yelping--and quickly slapped a hand over your mouth. You eyes took a moment to adjust to the bright white color as you slowly wandered down the corridor. Your bare feet smacked loudly against the stone as you came up on another door, just as tall as the last one. Pressing against it with all of your body weight, it slid open, leading you into a large room, bathed in black and grey. You moved farther in, noticing how much colder this room was then the hallway. You shivered, glancing around. The room was pretty empty, except for a large, black bed and a few doors lining the walls. But on the wall behind the bed was a giant window, just like the one you'd seen before. It stretched all the way from the floor to the ceiling, and you marveled at it. For a moment, you almost forgot where you were. 

"You came." A voice spoke from behind you. You whipped around, your heart rate instantly speeding up.

"You said it was an order." You breathed, your heart slamming in your chest. Kylo stood motionless at the door you'd just come out of, his hidden face watching your every move. Your heart dropped a little as your eyes fell on his mask. 

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