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~two years later~

The sun was just beginning to peak over the mountaintops, a slow, airy fog trickling down through the canopy and settling at the base of the water. The lake below you glistened brightly as the warm morning rays caught against the calm surface, reflecting like flecks of diamonds in your eyes. The sweet breeze blew softly through your hair, which was down and flowing over your shoulders, the loose strands blowing around your face. Birds chirped in the trees hanging over the cobblestone balcony, their songs flittering through your ears like quiet music. 

You took in a slow, deep breath, rubbing your chilled arms as the sun cured the goosebumps covering your skin, warming your body comfortingly. Your long dress flowed around your legs, the thin fabric swaying with the movement of the breeze. For a while, you just stood there, your back pressed up against a tall, stone pillar, watching the sun rise over the top of the mountains, its light dancing across the lake's serene surface. But after a moment, you slowly moved to the edge of the balcony, looking down at the beautiful scenery around you. It was gorgeous, this place. The most gorgeous place you'd ever been. 

The lush forest surrounding you now reminded you of the resistance base, which you hadn't visited since you'd left it two years ago. But you remembered it fondly, and you could still picture the clearing perfectly as if it was still in front of you, the hundreds of tents laid out before your eyes. You could still smell the sweet breeze. You could still feel the speckled sun, shining down through the gaps in the tree branches over your head and dotting your skin with warmth. 

Sometimes you missed it, but you would never want to leave this place. It felt like home now. Your home. And you'd never really had that before. 

You were lost in thought as two hands suddenly wrapped around your waist, Kylo's chest pressing up against your back as he hugged you tightly from behind. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your shoulder, and you leaned yours against him, smiling warmly. 

"How are you feeling?" He whispered, kissing your cheek lightly as he traced his hand over your growing belly. 

"Good." You murmured, resting your hand on top of his, your palm tiny in comparison. "No nausea today."

"I'm glad." He shifted behind you, moving to rest his chin on the top of your head as his arms stayed around you, holding you tightly. "I got a message from my mother." You turned around, looking up at him and placing your hands on his forearms. 

"Really? What did she say?"

"She's coming to visit." He said, brushing a strand of your hair out of your face. "She wants to help us get ready. For when the baby comes." His eyes flickered down to your stomach, a wide smile creeping across his lips. He reached down, laying his palm against it so lightly that it was as if he thought you were made of glass--like you would shatter if he wasn't careful enough. Your heart glowed as he did, and you placed your hand on top of his once more, your fingers winding together. You leaned forward, resting your head against his chest as he rocked you back in forth slowly, the breeze ruffling his thick hair and falling over his raven eyes. Every time you listened to his heartbeat now, you savored it. It slammed in his chest, echoing through your ears as you leaned against him, your fingers tracing along the hem of his shirt, your eyes closed blissfully. 

"Do you remember when you told me that happiness was just an illusion?" You whispered after a moment, his hand running through your hair.

"Yes." He mumbled, sighing deeply. 

"You said that love was the same way."

"I did." He pulled back, your eyes locking together as his gaze scanned over your complexion, his expression blank for a moment.

"Are you happy now?" You breathed, searching his face pleadingly. To your relief, he smiled again, leaning forward slowly and pressing his lips against yours, one of his hands cupping your chin and the other resting on your stomach. He breathed deeply against you, your cheeks glowing, before he pulled away, his forehead pressed to yours. 

"I was wrong before." He whispered, his eyes closed. "Of course I'm happy." Warmth spread through your body as he pulled you into a tight embrace, your head buried in his shoulder as he held you to him. It was yet another one of those moments where you never wanted to let go. If you could have stayed there, wrapped in his arms forever, you would have. But he pulled away slowly, his hand resting on the small of your back as you walked together to the edge of the balcony, looking out over the endlessly stretching lake. The sun gleamed even brighter against the surface now, his eyes catching the reflection and highlighting those golden flecks in his irises that you'd noticed the very first time you saw him. His silver wedding ring glinted in the rays, shining in your eyes as the light reflected off the metal. He was beautiful as he leaned over the railing, his hair blowing softly in the wind as he scanned the horizon line. You stared at him for a moment, smiling widely as joy seeped through you, coursing through your bones and lighting your heart on fire. 

After a few moments of silence, you stepped towards him again, nestling under his arm. He responded, wrapping it around your side and pulling you towards him, your head moving back to rest against his chest. You closed your eyes, the sound of his heartbeat again sounding through your ears. You never wanted to stop hearing it. Because it meant that he was alive. He was with you. He was yours. And he loved you. Really loved you. 

You took in a deep breath, exhaling against him as you counted the rhythm in your ears, just like you always did, appreciating each beat with everything in you. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

~The End~

Note: Thank you all so so much for all the love on this story. I've had so much fun writing it and I'm actually really sad that it's over lol. But I will be starting a new fic soon (like within a week hopefully) so check for that! I have some ideas, but feel free to leave recommendations in the comments below. Also, let me know what you thought about this story! I'll try to reply to all the comments <3

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