Get Out of My Head

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"Come on."

Just like Kylo had said, the trooper had come to bring you to your interrogation. A few hours had passed since Kylo had left your room, but your embarrassment still hadn't faded. Clearly, that vision had upset him. You weren't exactly sure why, but it did. You just couldn't get that boy out of your head. He was so beautiful. You remembered every aspect of him perfectly. His long, dark hair falling in curls around his face. His skin, tan and freckled with a constellation of beauty-marks. His chocolate eyes, flecked with little golden specks. His broad shoulders and rippling muscles. His nose, long and full. It fit his face perfectly. Everything about him was just that. Perfect

You shook your head as the trooper escorted you out of your room and down the dark hallway. This time, there was no blaster against your back. It was a nice change. You dragged your feet, trying to delay your inevitable reunion with Kylo for as long as possible. You were determined not to let him get to you, even though so far that plan had always failed. Terribly. Maybe there was a way to block him out. You'd resisted him before, but not on purpose. How had you done it? One second he was in your head, the next you were in his. You doubted that you'd be able to do it again. 

As you rounded the corner to the door of the interrogation room, you started to sweat. The sight of the chair made you shiver. You remembered the feeling of being in it all too well. Even more vividly, you remembered the the feeling of it pressed against your back as Kylo leaned against you, his fingers slipping in one by one...

Enough, you scolded yourself. Now was not the time. You needed to stay strong. 

The trooper strapped you in, the cuffs closing around your wrists and ankles. You grunted as he shoved you in with unnecessary violence. 

"Hey-" you protested, snarling at him. He ignored you, continuing to lock you in. Eventually, he finished, silently leaving the room and closing the door behind him. You sighed, looking around. You noticed a few things that you hadn't before, now that you were fully conscious--and not being fingered by Kylo Ren. Sitting next to you was a large basin filled with something--ashes? You had no idea what that was for. Looking up, a red ceiling with large slits in it met your gaze. Through the gaps, you observed a tall ventilation shaft above you, seeming to go on forever up into Starkiller. Your thoughts were interrupted by a banging sound outside. 

"You have direct orders from Supreme Leader Snoke-" a familiar voice echoed through the hallway, "If you fail he'll punish us both." 

"I will not fail." You freeze, immediately recognizing the second voice. Kylo

"Well, you've yet to get anything from her. Don't forget the objective here, Ren."

"I suggest that you refrain from doubting my methods, General." He was talking to Hux. About you. Your heart was slamming in your chest. 

"You were supposed to have it days ago and yet you-"

"Stop," Kylo suddenly ordered him, pausing, "She's listening."

You felt your blood run cold. You slammed your eyes closed, trying to redirect your mind from thinking about him at all. For some reason, the first thing your mind jumped to was the big window in your room. You focused on the memory of every star, every color, the darkness of space. It didn't help. Immediately, the thought of Kylo came back. And what was worse, you pictured him touching you all over, moaning into your ear. Stop it, stop it, stop it. You begged for your mind to stop. It didn't. Instead, you started to picture Kylo's dick pressing against your leg, throbbing for attention...

The sound of the door hissing open ripped your from your thoughts. As your face burned bright red, you kept your eyes pressed together. You couldn't bare to look at him. Still, you could feel his gaze on your even without looking, scanning you up and down. 

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