A Feeling of Power

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"Ah!" you yelped as the troopers tossed you to the ground, your face throbbing from you possibly broken nose. You hit the floor with a smack, the cold surface meeting your skin. Backing away from the troopers, you glanced around the room. It was tiny and dark, with no windows on any of the walls--which were completely black. A small cot laid in the corner, a thin, raggedy blanket tossed across it. There was no pillow, and nothing else to look at. That was it. A bed. You sighed, catching your breath and struggling to your feet. Before you could even glance back at them, the troopers were closing the door, giving you one last look before leaving you alone, a beeping sound coming from a small panel as the lock clicked. You were left in the darkness, your eyes trying to adjust to the lack of light. You stumbled around, searching for the bed. Eventually, you found it, flopping down onto it and spreading your limbs. 

You reached a careful hand to your nose, pressing lightly at you swollen skin. Blood was still dripping from your nostril, and you grimaced as the taste of iron coated your lips. As you sat in the silence, the darkness around quickly became more and more suffocating, and you started to feel claustrophobic, your heart rate picking up again. You slammed your eyes shut and dived into the thin mattress, pulling the rag of a blanket over your head. You took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. Slowly it started to help, and you flipped over onto your back--letting the thoughts that had been waiting in the back of your mind slip forward. 

Kylo had abandoned you. He'd said he would keep you safe, and he hadn't. You thought about him walking away from you, his shoulders slumped defeatedly. You'd wanted to scream at him, to make him look at you as you pleaded for him to stay. But he'd avoided your eyes. You gritted your teeth as you remembered it, anger boiling in your blood. So much for trusting him. 

You nested into the rock of a bed, trying to get comfortable. Sleep was the only way you could think to escape your thoughts and your terrible, haunting memories. Luckily, it came easily. It usually did. You were constantly exhausted. You'd heard that stress could do that to you. It was definitely true. 

A dream came to you as you drifted off, clear as anything that was happening in reality. But it wasn't a memory. It wasn't like anything you'd seen before. You were standing in a large, vast room, the walls drenched in bright red. It almost hurt your eyes to look at it, overwhelming your senses with the bloody color. The floor was shiny and black, and was shaped like a giant circle. At the head of the room sat a large, black throne, red glowing lines traced into the side. Or at least you thought it was a throne. There was no one on it, and you peered at it with furrowed brows. Above you, tall pillars stood over your head, looming intimidatingly. You instantly felt small, just like you did when you stood next to Kylo. But here, you felt even smaller. The room was cold. This was a bad place. You didn't even have to know exactly where you were to know that evil lived here. Real, raw evil. A shiver ran through you. You needed to get away from wherever this was as fast as possible. You turned to leave, seeing an exit behind you. But as you were about to move your feet, a voice entered the room. 

"My child", it whispered, voice groggy and ragged, "sit."

You whipped your head around, searching for the speaker. But there was none. You were alone. Your eyes flashed back to the throne, empty and almost--welcoming. It seemed to draw you towards it, as if it was made for you--calling your name. You took a tentative step towards it, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Another step, then another, and another. The floor sloped upwards as you grew nearer and nearer. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of it, heart slamming in your chest. 

"It's yours," the voice cooed, spurring you on, "do not be afraid."

Taking a deep breath, you stepped a foot up onto it, hoisting yourself into the deep, hard seat. It felt strange at first, but as you adjusted into it, it started to feel like it was made to fit your body. Your arms rested on its sides, your back laying against the hard surface. It was just as comfortable as any expensive mattress you'd ever laid on. Maybe even better. You sighed, relaxing into it and glancing around at your surroundings. You felt strangely powerful as you sat, elevated above the rest of the room. You'd forgotten all about your initial instincts, grinning as you propped your leg over your other. 

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