A Few Things In Common - Part 1

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(Y/N) POV:

Finally, a new start just what you needed. You really didn't have many friends, that's why you decided to find a roommate on craigslist. Sure they always warn you about that kind of thing but like in reality does anyone even really listen to those people? All you knew about your new living space was that it was a nice rental house with 2 bedrooms, an office, 2 bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen and some extra storage spaces here and there, Oh and of course the roommate. All you knew about him was that his name was Ricky and he played guitar for a band. There was no picture of him on the ad so that was all the information you had on this mysterious person.

The house had not been too far from where you were living before. You had gotten kicked out for not being able to pay the rent at your last apartment after your brother, whom you had been living with, passed away. He was the only family you still had left. Sure you had aunts and cousins and stuff but you were never really that close considering you liked to dress like you were "worshiping the devil". God you hated when your aunt would say that to you, You're a full grown adult you can wear whatever you damn well pleased.

Your car was packed to the brim with pretty much everything that you had to your name, Just a few shitty sad boxes of clothes and CD's you had kept. You had an undying love for music, this mainly came from your dad. You always believed that music was a cure all to any emotion you were feeling, well at least to you it was.

You sat in your car for a few minutes when you had arrived at your new home. Were you really ready for this? Were you really ready for a stranger as a roommate? What if he killed you?! Was that really the worst that could have happened though? Maybe you should just live in your car instead. You were shaken from your thoughts as a long black haired, tattooed man knocked on your car window.

"Hey are you (Y/N)?" He asked in a normal tone of voice as you rolled down your window.

"Oh um yeah......You must be Ricky then correct?" You noticed his blue eyes right away. Damn those things are blue.

"Yep! That would be me!" He grinned, his lip rings shining in the sunlight. You rolled your window back up and got out of the car. "Here i'll help you out." He offered generously. If we're being honest you were very grateful he offered to help because you were not looking forward to carrying all of your items into the home all by yourself.

You watched as Ricky carried a box into the house, trailing behind him with another. As you entered the house you noticed it was pretty neat and clean which took you by surprise at first. Not for any reason in particular but just because it seemed like Ricky lived alone and well...guys could be messy.

"So have you lived alone for a while?" You question just wanting to know what you were getting yourself into here.

"No not really I lived with my best friend and bandmate Ryan for a while but he ended up finding a girlfriend and moved out. So since then I decided why not buy the place and get another roommate."

"Wait, you own the house?" You hadn't known this when you messaged him online.

"Oh yeah so you can just pay your rent to me." he smiled as he walked back outside to grab another box. So far he seemed like a pretty nice guy, which of course was relieving considering you really didn't feel like living with a murderer.

"Hey this is the last box and I shut your car door for you." Ricky walked back in holding the last box. "Here your room is over here." he walked down the hallway and into a room, you followed behind grabbing the heaviest box there was.

You looked around the room and it was honestly really big compared to what you were used to. "Woah..." You whispered under your breath.

"Hmm?" Ricky looked over in your direction obviously hearing what you had said.

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