A Not So Good Surprise - Part 15

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Ricky's POV:

It had been almost 2 weeks since (Y/N)'s little incident. She was definitely doing better and had finally gotten the stitches out yesterday. It had been a rough few weeks for her not only physically but mentally/ emotionally too. I couldn't help but just want to try and make everything better.

We were currently on the couch, she was tired and ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. She seemed to always be tired lately, I figured this was just from the whole head injury thing tho. Tomorrow was finally the day where we could go cake tasting for the wedding too. Both of us have been looking forward to this for a while now so it couldn't hurt to let her sleep a little more.

I pulled the blanket that we were sharing up more so it was fully covering (Y/N). I listened as her small breathing could be heard over the low tv that was playing in the background. It was starting to get late and I debated on whether or not to move into the bedroom, after all if I did then I could finish a book I had started and never finished.

I started to push myself off of the couch as the small buzzing of (Y/N)'s phone rang through the room. Who was texting her this late at night? I looked over at the phone to see that it was Vinny. The text really didn't make much sense to me at first

"What does he mean by what time is the surprise party going to be at?" I stared at the phone for a second confused. Why didn't I know about this so-called surprise party? It's not like it was anyone's birthday coming up anyway.

"Wait a minute...." I turned her phone back on and read the date in my head. It was August 31 today.......oh shit.

It was my birthday tomorrow and I just spoiled my own surprise party that (Y/N) had planned for me. Great, I bet she worked really hard to get all the guys in on it too. Now I was going to have to tell her that I just completely ruined the whole thing. I sighed and turned off her phone leaving the message unread. I slowly got up from my place on the couch accidentally waking (Y/N) up in the process.

"Sorry...It's getting late I thought you would want to get to bed....." She rubbed her eyes sleepily and nodded reaching her arms out. I gladly picked her up like a small child, grabbed the blanket and our phones.

She wrapped her legs around my torso and her arms around my neck. I made my way to the bedroom and laid her on her side of the bed, making sure to tuck her in. She almost instantly fell back asleep. How was I ever going to tell her that I ruined her surprise party? I walked around the bed and over to my designated side, crawling my way into bed.

I laid there and stared up at the ceiling. Maybe I just should tell her....then at least she'll be the happy cheerful person I've missed over the last two weeks. She wasn't depressed, it was all just a little too much to handle for her. It really sucked seeing her just so down in the dumps questioning why this had to happen to her......and with those thoughts running around in my head, I was out like a light.


It had actually been a decent morning. (Y/N) and I had gotten up around the same time and we were currently in the bathroom. (Y/N) decided she wanted to curl her hair for the cake tasting and I had nothing else to do so I decided to join in and be her company. I was excited for cake testing, it was just like one more milestone before we got to the finish line. The finish line of course was getting married.

"So are you ready to get married?" I honestly wanted to know her answer, I knew I was ready but was she really ready?

"Of course I am silly!" She laughed and smiled the happy smile I had been missing over the past few weeks. It was nice to see this again, so I smiled right along with her.

Just Roommates? - Ricky Horror x (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now