Is This Really Happening? - Part 3

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(Y/N) POV:

You had woken up on Ricky that morning and in the process of you trying to get up, without waking him up as well, you did just that. However he wasn't mad about it at all, you both just looked at one another and laughed. You really hadn't gotten that good of sleep but something about it made you smile. Your mind keeps reverting back to Ricky and how much you enjoyed his presence and company. You also shamelessly loved the feeling of someone else's arms around you, It really made you feel loved in a way. You had never really been the type of person to enjoy sleeping on the same surface as another person, you liked your space and most of the time you hogged the bed anyway which just upset the other person even more.

"How many waffles do you want?" The voice you loved listening to broke you from your thoughts. You remembered you were eating breakfast and Ricky was cooking for the two of you.

"Oh umm i'll just take one." You smiled sweetly taking the plate that had your waffle on it. Then you added strawberries, chocolate chips, and whipped cream on top. Ricky looked over and laughed at you for your choice. "Hey the strawberries are what makes it healthy!" He just laughed even more at you but you joined in as well.

"How's the black eye doing today?" He sat his plate down on the table across from where you sat. His toppings were a lot more adult like, just plain syrup.

"It still hurts like a bitch if we're being honest and it looks even worse than yesterday." You sighed, taking a bite of the warm waffle. Ricky nodded understanding that it wasn't pleasing to be punched in the face.

"Well if you're up to it, since you have a day off today I thought we could talk about some merch designs and then maybe grab some dinner?" Was he asking you out on a date?!? No he couldn't be. Stop thinking like that (Y/N). He said he wanted to talk about merch designs anyway so it was strictly business.

"Oh so like a date?" You raised an eyebrow at him, his eyes shot to yours rather quickly. "Im kidding." You laughed and his laughter followed shortly after. Little did you know though Ricky was hiding a huge blush that had spread across his face. "So do you have any ideas about what you want the new merch to look like?"

"Well I was kind of hoping you could help me with that...." How were you supposed to come up with merch designs when you didn't even know what type of band he was in? For all you knew he could have been in a gospel country band spreading the word of Jesus Christ himself. Well this just means you were going to have to play the glorious game of 20 questions with him to get his ideas out and onto paper.

"Alright well what kind of band are you in?" You figured you would start off with an easy question.

"Well we play a lot of metal..." Damn that's hot, your mind drifted for a moment. You loved metal music, you have since you were a kid, your father practically raised you on it. "It's called Motionless in White, or MIW for short." You liked that name, it was unique and that's what made you like it so much. Ricky smiled at you, he could tell you were deep in thought and he found that particularly cute.

"I like that name." You smiled back at him and quickly finished up your waffle. "Well come on we should get started on sketches." He nodded in agreement as you got up and set your dishes in the sink for him to clean while you got your sketchbook and pencils. You walked over to your bedroom and opened the door to see the messy bed you had left from last night. This honestly bothered you. You liked all of your things to look nice, especially since you were living with Ricky. You wanted to make sure the house looked neat and clean. Your feet dragged you over to your bed and you decided to make it look at least halfway decent. After a few moments Ricky walked over and leaned on the door frame of your bedroom door. Damn what a nice body you had, sure you might hate it, but Ricky is truly astonished at how beautiful it is. He stood there a few moments just watching you as you tried to perfect the bedding before he spoke up.

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