A Not So Perfect Upbringing - Part 6

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(Y/N) POV:

You groaned and buried your head into the palms of your hands as you looked over another merch idea that you sketched out. It just wasn't coming out how you were hoping it would and it was getting frustrating. The shop was super slow again today so you figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some more merch ideas out onto paper. Ricky had another studio day but said he would try and stop by once they were finished if it wasn't too late.

You were sitting in the same exact place that Ricky had confessed his love for you. You and Ricky had been officially together for just over a week now and it was going so good! Ricky was seriously the perfect guy for you in every way possible! You smiled as you continued to sketch out another idea for a hoodie, only to be interpreted by the buzzing of your cell phone. The phone lit up showing a cute picture of you and Ricky kissing, you had set this as your background to remember how much you loved him. Your phone also had a new text notification, of course it was from Ricky.

"Hey I'm on my way to the shop now, we got done early because Chris got fed up with his vocals again." Finally you were going to get some company around here.

"Thank the lord, I think if I have to be alone in this place any longer I'm going to actually go insane." You knew Ricky would laugh at that. 

You quickly cleaned up some of the random paper balls that were scattered around the table and threw them in the trash. The shop was still bare so you decided to run to the bathroom quickly to make sure you looked good for when Ricky showed up.

Your reflection appeared in the mirror before you, you always hated how you looked. Maybe you were just being too hard on yourself, but for some reason you could always pick out at least one other person who was prettier than you. Sometimes your mind drifted, wondering why Ricky thought you were so pretty. However you just pushed these thoughts away and out of your head before they went too far.

The lip gloss you had been wearing had begun to disappear, so you quickly fixed that and straightened out the black shirt and ripped jeans you decided to wear along with one of Ricky's beanies that you stole from him. You took one last look at yourself in the mirror before you heard the shop's bell ring. The smile that had been slowly forming on your face grew bigger as you heard the door shut. You ran out of the bathroom and back up to the front, only to realize it was just a normal customer. The smile that was spread across your face, now became a frown as you watch the customer browse the shop.

God you just wanted to see Ricky again. While the customer browsed, you went back to fixing a few parts of the sketch. All of a sudden the bell above the shop's door rang once again. Your head shot over to the door only to see your boyfriend walk right through. Your face lit up and you were ecstatic! You could barely contain your excitement as he made his way over to you. As soon as he got behind the counter, you ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"God I missed you so much." He hugged you, wrapping his arms around your torso as you buried your face into his shirt. You breathed in deep, his scent was so calming to you. This is where you're supposed to be, and you're safe with him. You stayed like this enjoying the calming effect your boyfriends arms had around you before you could hear the customer awing at you from the other side of the counter. Ricky looked at you and laughed.

"You should probably help them." He laughed and whispered. You laughed back and nodded, turning to face the customer. Ricky stood next to you putting his arm around your shoulder.

"Sorry, what can I help you with today?" To your surprise it was an older lady, she reminded you of your grandma. Very few old people came into your shop as they clearly didn't understand your type of style.

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