She'll Be Right Here In These Arms - Part 13

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(Y/N) POV:

"Hey I'm gonna go take out the trash really quick." Ricky walked by the front desk with one of the trash bags full of trash.

"Awe thanks!" You smiled at him as he walked by. You always hated taking the trash out.

It was a nice summer evening, the sun was just setting and the warm air was still looming around outside. It had been a rather busy day due to the nice weather, which is why Ricky decided to come along and help you out again in the shop. You had just taught him how to use the register today and you found it particularly cute when he would have to call you over for help.

He had seen how stressed you were getting about all this marriage stuff so he really wanted to help in any way he could as well. It was getting late and Ricky was once again helping you close like he normally did. You stood up from the one stool that you normally sat on and walked to the front door. There was a chalkboard sign that you had gotten for the shop sitting in front of one of the windows. You walked over quickly and as you did you heard someone from behind you.

"AYE LITTLE BITCH STILL HASN'T CLOSED HER SHOP YET!" You recognize this voice all too well. It was the man who had hit you weeks earlier. Did he really not have anything else to do?

"Excuse me?" You turned on your heels so you were face to face with him. The disgusting smell of alcohol hit you as he went to speak again. You traced the smell to the empty beer bottle he was holding in his hand. Great not you had to deal with a drunk lunatic.

"YOU HEARD ME!" He slurred out barely able to stand on his own two feet.

"Sir you need to leave." You sighed hoping he would just leave.

"NO YOU BITCH!" He was getting on your nerves at this point, sure he was drunk but did he really have to keep calling you a bitch?

"I would really appreciate it if you would stop calling me a bitch." You shot back bitterly at him. Your eyes glanced into the shop for a split second hoping Ricky wouldn't be inside. You loved him a lot but he could also get over protective sometimes. At the end of the day it wasn't worth him getting hurt over.

"WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT HUH?" The man just kept going! There was no stopping for him. He continued to stumble around on the pavement almost falling. Out of the good in your heart you grabbed his arm so he wouldn't completely fall over.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!!" He spat out at you as you quickly retracted your arm back.

All of a sudden the man's face turned from anger to rage. You watched as he lunged forward at you. He raised the beer bottle above his head and as you tried to move away it hit you square on the head. Your vision became blurry as you reached up feeling the blood that was now pouring out from your head. How psycho could this guy be?

After he hit you he ran off probably not wanting to get caught by the cops. You slowly stumbled your way back into the shop trying to stay conscious. You looked towards the back and watched as Ricky came in through the back door. You leaned your arm on the counter bending over not being able to stand straight up without getting light headed.

"Ricky....." You whispered hoping he would somehow hear you. Was this really happening right now? You took your hand away from your head and looked down at it to see it covered in your blood.

"Hey babe? Does anything need to be restocked in the front?" Ricky's voice became harder and harder to make out as you slowly slipped out of consciousness. You quickly sat down, your back against the counter, the headache you had begun you pound harder and harder. All of a sudden before you knew it, you were out cold.

Just Roommates? - Ricky Horror x (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now