A Not So Romantic Way Of Doing Things - Part 11

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(Y/N) POV:

Okay maybe this whole Ricky on tour thing wasn't the worst thing in the world.... Oh who were you kidding, it was horrible! However he was finally coming home today after he played his last show. The shop was super busy yesterday like you had thought it would be so that took your mind off of things for a while. You still missed Ricky like crazy though. The thought of just being back in his arms made your stomach erupt with butterflies.

You were currently at the shop, It had been another decently busy day and you were ready to go home already but your shift didn't end for another few hours yet. Ricky had been texting you back and forth and should finally be home later tonight around 12 am. You had planned on being able to get off of work at 9 pm to have enough time to clean the house and make Ricky a sweet little dinner.  He deserved it, after all he had spent the past 3 days on tour and was probably missing the food you made.

The shop was littered with people, mainly people who reflected your same style. As you were starting off, looking downtown through the open door from behind the counter, A boy and his friends walked up to you. He looked no older than maybe 17, however you were bad at placing ages on people so he really could have been 25 for all you knew.

"What can I do for you today?" You smiled and greeted him sweetly like you did to everyone else.

"More like can I do you?" He smirked acting like he was so clever, yep he was definitely 17.

"Well considering I have a boyfriend and I don't sleep with customers, why don't you go find someone else to be your fuck buddy." You gave him a cocky smile. You never liked to be hit on by guys, even when you weren't in a relationship. It just made you feel even more self conscious then you already were.

The boy and his friends quickly left the shop laughing at the kid who you just shot down. If Ricky had heard what the boy had said, he would have definitely had a huge fit over it. Ricky loved you a lot and was not okay with the idea of others hitting on you. You found this cute, he was very protective over you and you loved it.

The time seemed to be ticking slower and slower. You really just wanted to go home, but it was only 3 pm so that decision was a no go. Maybe Ricky finally texted you back? You sent him a message a few hours ago saying how much you missed him and just giving him an update on how the shop was running today, but the last time you checked he hadn't even opened the message. You checked your phone again and just like before, he still hasn't opened it.

You let out a sigh, Maybe he was just busy playing on stage? Who knew, you just really wanted to hear from him again. In the meantime you decided to clean up the shop. You walked out from behind the counter and straightened some shirts and restocked a few things. Everyone the was once in the shop had now left and it was just you all alone.

This quickly changed as a young girl, maybe the age of 5, ran into the shop. You looked over startled at the sudden footsteps, she was a cute little blonde girl with her hair in two long pigtails with a cute little pink dress on. She was clearly crying and scared as you came closer to her.

"Hey sweetie....." You started out softly not really knowing what to say. "Are you okay? You look a little scared..." she nodded and wiped her eyes.

"I can't find my mommy or daddy...." She sniffled. You remembered seeing her in the shop a little while ago. "Mommy always says that if I get lost to go and get help from someone...."

"Aww sweetie it's okay come here." You knelt down and opened your arms which she gladly ran into. "Do you know your Mommy or Daddy's phone number?" You questioned her but she just laid her head on your shoulder and shook her head no.

Just Roommates? - Ricky Horror x (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now