A Day You'll Never Forget - Part 18

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(Y/N) POV:

This was it, today was yours and Ricky's wedding day. You had waited weeks for this day to finally come, and now that it was finally here, you couldn't be more excited and filled with nerves. The day had already begun with Vinny waking you up in the hotel room, he was your maid of honor so it was kind of his job anyway. You had then made your way over to where the wedding ceremony was being held. Ricky was somewhere in the building but he wasn't supposed to see you of course.

Honestly you just wanted to see Ricky. It was bad enough that you have to have Vinny be your maid of honor since you didn't have any friends. You really just wanted to get this day done and over with. Both you and Ricky were ready to get married so why did this have to take so long.

You sighed letting your nerves get the best of you and slowly pulled on the wedding dress that you had found a few weeks earlier. Your hair was already done up in curls and half pulled back. You had done it yourself and you hoped that Ricky would like it. Before you could completely zip up the back of the dress there was a small knock at the door.

"It's Vinny!" You sighed not being able to pull the zipper all the way up.

"Come on." You could hear the nervousness in your own voice. What could you say, There was still a part of you that believes that Ricky wouldn't want to go through with this.

Vinny walked in and shut the door behind him quickly. He realized shortly after walking in that you clearly needed help with the dress. You turned around and he zipped the back the rest of the way up.

"Thanks." You sighed and leaned on the wall. Vinny quickly caught on to the nervous behavior and sighs and took no time to question you on it.

"You okay? You seem stressed." You shook your head. Yeah you were excited to finally get married to him but who wouldn't be stressed! It was a big day after all.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous." He looked at you and nodded. Vinny was bouncing between where you were and where Ricky was. So out of everyone he really knew how you were both feeling.

"Hey...." Vinny walked over and gave you a warm hug, "trust me Ricky isn't going anywhere and he's just as stressed as you are." You laughed and nodded returning the hug.

"Thanks Vin." You smiled and pulled away ready to go down to where the ceremony was going to be held.

Vinny walked out of the room first just to make sure that Ricky wasn't anywhere near. After the coast was clear, you and Vinny made your way over to the front of the aisle, being blocked by two doors.

"Hey stay right here, Ricky's already up there and you don't really want him to see you through the windows." You smiled at Chris and nodded. It was so nice of him to offer to walk you down the aisle. You really couldn't thank the guys enough for doing this for you.

"Thanks for doing this again...." You looked up at him as he pulled you into a side hug.

"Hey of course!" He looked at you and smiled. "I couldn't let you just walk yourself down the aisle." You both laughed at the comment he made."

You couldn't help but wonder what Ricky was thinking right now. You were about to get married! The last time you checked that was definitely a big deal! According to Vinny and Chris he seemed even more nervous then you were. Hopefully he didn't have any second thoughts about this...

Ricky's POV:

Ryan watched as I continuously played with the sleeves of my suit jacket. I was a nervous wreck today! I sighed and ran over my vows in my head as I waited for everything to start. According to the other guys, (Y/N) was just as nervous as I was, but who wouldn't be nervous on their wedding day!

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