Sleepless Nights - Part 5

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(Y/N) POV:

Who were you kidding, there was no way you were going to get any sleep tonight. It was already 4 am for crying out loud! You weren't tired due to the fact that you were too busy crying and overthinking while listening to the cracking thunderstorm that was going on outside. He had said he was in love with you less than 10 hours ago. Of course you had confessed your feelings to him as well. You looked him right in the eyes and told him how much you were in love with him too. You always seemed to be the blunt type of person, people could always count on you to tell them how it was.

Therefore you told Ricky just how you felt about him. After you confessed to Ricky that you were madly in love with him too, he almost seemed shocked, so instead of making things even more complicated you hopped off the counter and deeply kissed him again. He responded to this by returning the kiss, and you were over the moon happy about this. After you shared the second kiss, Ricky helped you clean up the shop. You both then closed up the shop and drove your cars back to the house. Once you arrived home you both kind of went to your own rooms to get some sleep.

So why were you up crying in your room? Your life seemed like it was going great! But deep down inside you were afraid of what was going to happen between you and Ricky. You were scared that if anything happened between the two of you, like a breakup or a fight, that you would be left out on the street with nothing. Before long, these thoughts that kept invading your mind got to be too much for you to handle. You started to feel your body shaking and nothing you could do could stop it. This just scared you even more. It started to become hard to breathe and you couldn't pull yourself from the deep thoughts running around in your head.

You couldn't take it anymore. This panic attack you were having, was the first one you had experienced in years, and it was bad. You didn't know what else to do, so you pulled yourself up out of your bed with your favorite blanket draped across your shoulders.

The tears are still falling down your face and your chest hurts from breathing so fast. You quickly walked out into the hallway to look for Ricky, he wasn't there. You walked to the living room, and once again there was no one. To your surprise he was nowhere to be seen. The panic attack worsened as you couldn't find Ricky.

You slowly walked over to his bedroom door, your last resort to finding him, and you slowly pushed it open. He was sleeping, his stomach laying flat against the bed. You quickly rushed in and jumped on the bed next to him.

"Ricky wake up!" You shook him a little bit, your voice sounding shaky and uneasy. The tears still hadn't stopped and it was getting even harder to breathe the more you tried.

"W-what?!?" He quickly shot up, sitting straight up. His bare chest was visible as he only had shorts on. You quickly threw yourself at him and hugged him in a death grip. For some reason hugs always helped you get back down to earth, on top of that they made you feel like someone had you and you weren't completely alone. He could tell something was seriously wrong, he had never seen you like this before.

"H-Hey it's okay...." He tightly hugged you back, trying to wake himself up more. He then began to rub your back soothingly. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" You buried your face further into his shoulder, only being able to mumble the words "Panic Attack" out through your choking sobs.

Ricky sat there and held you until you finally calmed back down and stopped shaking. He suggested that you sleep with him in his bed tonight just in case anything else happened to you during the night. You had never felt as safe with anyone as you did with Ricky in this moment. He was your safe place now and you intended on keeping it that way. The way he held you, the way he smelled of his cologne, and just the overall way of how he talked you threw the whole thing. He was your idea of a perfect guy. Sure he had his flaws, just like how he had too many guitars, but you had your flaws too and that's what made you guys human. So you cuddled right up next to him and he continued to hold you throughout the night, even when you would steal his blanket, or accidently kick him in your sleep. Sure, you guys weren't officially a couple yet, but did that really matter? This was clearly something that you both wanted anyway.....

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