What A Day - Part 2

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(Y/N) POV:

"Ugh another day at work." You sat down behind the counter of your small downtown shop watching people pass by the open front door. It hadn't been a busy day at all which meant you weren't going to be going home with a big paycheck today. However you were the only one who worked in the shop so you didn't have to pay anyone else, which meant the money that you did make went all to you. You had a few teenagers come in a few hours ago but that was it. That's normally how busy you were on the weekdays so this didn't surprise you.

After a while you got sick of sitting around and figured that the shop could use some cleaning up. You picked yourself up from the chair and walked over to one of the tables displaying shirts and started refolding the ones that weren't perfect. You liked everything to be neat and tidy, especially in the shop since other people would be coming in and looking around from time to time. As you continued to fold clothes you heard someone walk into the shop. It was a boy, he was tall, had three lip piercings and was clearly in a band of some sort. He stopped and looked into your direction, you could almost tell he was going to ask if you worked here.

You laughed, "Yeah I work here, I'm the owner actually." You walked quickly behind the counter and over to where the counter separated you and the boy.

"It was the questioning look wasn't it." He smiled and you noticed how amazing his drawn on eyebrows were. You were honestly jealous of this, how did he get them so perfect?!?!

"So what can I do for you today?" You smiled expecting him to ask if you had a specific shirt in stock like everyone always did.

"Well actually my friend Ricky told me about you, he said you design merch? Oh and i'm Chris by the way." He stuck his hand out and you firmly shook it. You had told Ricky more about your job over the past few days of living with him. You spoke on how your dream was to design merch for a big band some day. He replied by telling you how awesome it would be to have you design his band's merch for their new album that apparently was coming out soon. You had said that you would think about the offer and get back to him on it.

"Im (Y/N) and yeah I do design some things." You smiled sweetly at him as his face lit up with happiness.

"You must be his new roommate! I'm in a band with Ricky and he said you would be more than happy to help us come up with something." Did Ricky really send his friend here just so you would say yes to designing his merch? What a sly fucker.

"Yeah I can do that." You laughed figuring if anything this would at least help you pay some of the bills.

"Great! Ricky has everything you need at hi- I mean your house." Chris laughed, correcting himself.

"Alright, I'll make sure to ask him about it when I get off work." Chris gave you a head nod before saying goodbye, walking out of the shop, and down the road. You walked back over to the table to reorganize the t-shirts on it for the 400th time that day. God this job could get so boring sometimes. Between nobody ever coming in and the lack of sales caused by people not coming in, your mind often drifted off into wondering if it was really a good idea to keep the shop open. You broke from your thoughts as you heard the shop's phone ring, you ran over to it and picked it up.

"Thank you for calling A Little Less Normal my name is (Y/N), how can I help you today?"

"So do you want pasta for dinner or do you want me to order something so it's ready when you get here?" You already knew it was Ricky and for some reason hearing his voice made you smile.

"Can you order bread sticks and garlic bread from that one Italian place?" You could hear his deep laugh which made you smile even more.

"Yeah I was thinking about doing that anyway....so i'm guessing you're not that busy huh?"

Just Roommates? - Ricky Horror x (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now