One Of Those Days - Part 8

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(Y/N) POV:

You shot up in bed not knowing exactly where you were, startled from the nightmare that you just had. It had felt so real and it left you gasping for air in between the tears that you didn't know you were crying. The visions of the horrid nightmare kept flashing in your brain. To keep it light, a guy had kidnapped both you and Ricky and ended up killing Ricky while you watched. It finally registered in your head that you were in you and Ricky's bed. You quickly patted around the bed trying to feel where Ricky was. But to your surprise you didn't feel him at all. This startled you and started to get you all worked up inside. What if the nightmare was true?

"Ricky??" You whispered into the thin air, hoping for a reply.

You waited a few moments and there was still no response. The anxiety in you began to grow more and more. You wiped the tears that were still streaming down your face before picking yourself up from the bed. Your arms quickly wrapped around your body as the cold air of the room hit your skin. You slowly walked over to the bedroom door pushing it open to reveal the open hallway.

The faint sound of a guitar being strummed caught your attention. You started to relax a little bit as you knew this was bound to be Ricky. What was he doing up so late? After all the awards show was tomorrow and he really should be getting some sleep. You walked over to your old room seeing the light creep out through the crack in the doorway. The thoughts of the nightmare still looked in your mind as you slowly pushed open the door.

Just like you expected, Ricky was right there, sitting on the office chair, playing around with one of his black acoustic guitars. You sniffled seeing him and wiped your cheeks trying to make it look like you hadn't been crying. He looked up from the guitar and met your eyes as you looked down at him. Your body was shaking from the cold and the nightmare combined. It helped being able to see that Ricky was okay though and you were very grateful for that.

Ricky could tell something was wrong and with no hesitation at all, he rose from the seat and walked over to you wrapping his arms around you. You tried your hardest to not cry anymore and make it a big deal.

"W-what are you doing up s-still..." You tried your best to keep your voice steady but Ricky could hear right through that bullshit and you knew he could. He slowly began to rub your back, you started to calm down a little bit but were really shaken up from what had happened.

"Sorry I couldn't sleep...and I wanted to practice a little bit so I could actually try and get some sleep.....Is everything okay?" He spoke softly as if he was trying to not wake anyone else up.

"Y-yeah everything is fine." You pulled away from the hug and crossed your arms in front of you, Giving him a weak smile.

"Are you sure?" He went to grab your arm, but before you could you violently moved away from him.

"GOD RICKY I SAID I WAS FINE OKAY?" You began crying again as you realized how loud you had screamed at him. He looked at you in shock that you could even be that loud. You slowly backed out of the room seeing his face. He almost looked sad....what have you done (Y/N)?!?! You ran over into the bathroom and locked the door behind you just wanting to be alone.

Ricky didn't deserve that! God why did you have to be so mean! He was just making sure you were okay, which you weren't. You put your back against the door and slid down until you were met with the floor. It had to be at least 2 in the morning and you had to be up at 8 to make sure you had enough time to get ready for the award show. You quietly sobbed as your hand reached up to your neck and carefully grabbed the necklace Ricky had bought you. He was such a perfect guy and you just had to go and mess it all up by screaming at him. You sat in the bathroom for a few minutes before you felt a few soft knocks on the door.

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