Goodbyes and Hellos - Part 10

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(Y/N) POV:

"D-Do you really have to go?" you slowly looked up at Ricky as he held you in a hug. Today was the day, Ricky was leaving for his 3 day promotional tour with the guys. As much as you wanted him to have fun playing the shows, Your selfish side came out a bit wanting him to stay and be with you. This would be the first time that you and Ricky had ever spent any time away from one another, and you definitely weren't ready.

"Yeah i'm sorry, it'll only be 3 days tho..." He looked down and slowly moved a piece of your hair behind your ear. You sighed and nodded trying not to cry. This was going to be harder than you expected. Ricky didn't want to leave you like this, but what other choice did he have? This was his job and how he paid the bills at the end of the day.

"Please be safe and call when you can..." You hugged him even tighter giving him a small kiss. What if he didn't have time to call? Were you even going to be able to hear from him while he was on tour?

"I promise I will." he pulled away from the kiss and smiled looking down at you. "Alright I have to get going, I'll text you when we get to the place."

They were playing 3 shows in California so it was a ways away from your small town in Pennsylvania. What if something happened and Ricky wasn't here for it? You took a deep breath and gave him one last kiss.

"I love you Ricky."

"I love you too (Y/N)" and with that he walked out of the house with his suitcases behind him. You quickly wiped a tear from your cheek and started to walk towards the living room.The house already seemed so empty without Ricky and you didn't like it at all. You had not lived alone in years so this was definitely a change for you. You laid on the couch with one of Ricky's blankets, It smelled like him which just ended up making you miss him even more. The thoughts in your head began to creep up causing you to overthink about everything. The TV screen began to look blurry as tears filled your eyes. He hasn't even been gone for 25 minutes and you're already sobbing on the couch...great. You buried your face deeper into the blanket hoping Ricky would just come back already. The noise of the TV filled the silent room, there was no one to talk to now that Ricky was gone.

You really hoped everything went well with his flight over there, after all plane crashes are a thing and you and Ricky had definitely seen enough documentaries on them. What if Ricky died? That was something you never thought about until now. You didn't have any other friends other than Ricky and you were definitely not ready to find out that he died!

You sat up on the couch starting to panic, your body started shaking and your mind wouldn't stop racing. You looked around quickly wondering what to do, obviously Ricky wasn't here to help you like the few other times this happened. The tears started to burn your eyes as they threatened to fall down your cheeks. You let out a shaky sigh and laid back down on the couch closing your eyes. Before you could even realize it you were out cold. You hadn't cried yourself to sleep like that in years! If only Ricky knew what was going on...


You woke up at 2 am on the couch. Your body was screaming at you for falling asleep in the awkward position that you did. You carefully picked yourself up from the couch and walked over to the bedroom. At least the bed would be more comfortable, or at least you thought. As you pulled the covers over your body you could tell the bed was different from what the normal was. Of course it was! Ricky wasn't here to sleep on the other side. You sniffled and tried to stop thinking about it, but the memory of your boyfriend sleeping in the same space as you kept flooding in. However you really needed to get sleep, you had work in the morning after all.

How were you going to be able to do this when you were married to him some day and he would have to be away for months at a time? Yeah you thought about getting married to Ricky a few times here and there, you never asked him about it though. You both had only been together for like a month and a half anyway, this to you didn't matter tho. You had already decided that you wanted to be with Ricky for the rest of your life. But you didn't want to scare Ricky with the idea of you wanting to get married right now. It was early anyway and as long as you two were happy, that was all that mattered.

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