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"So Ahmed already has two wives?" I raised my eyebrow at the girl sitting in front of me.

"Yes, Mahiverouz who's the mother of his daughter Ayse and Kosem who's currently pregnant" she explained. I felt my heart clench as I thought about it, I should've asked, I should've made my research to prepare myself for this. What was I expecting? He was a sultan for god's sake.

"He has a daughter?" Karla asked leaning forward. "He seems too young to have children" she continued confused.

"The sultan ascended the throne very early so he needed an heir" the girl that goes by the name of Zumuruda said.

"Why don't we see them around?" I asked trying hard not to show how bothered I was.

"Well the sultan and Kosem had a big fight a while back and Mehiverouz is just a scared cat and locked herself in her room since Kosem got pregnant," she said standing up to leave because Bulbul was calling her over.

I get it now, Safiye knew I didn't know about them so she sent this girl to tell me, she wants to bother me for not agreeing to be on her side. I clenched my fists tightly in anger knowing she did this on purpose.

I stood up angrily from the couch ready to go to Safiye's room and confront her but before I could take one step I was hit by a wave of dizziness and the next thing I know I was on the floor with the girls surrounding me calling my name before Bulbul came into view the black. The last thing I felt was someone picking me up from the floor then nothing like I was in a void.

"Rose wake up honey" I felt someone slap my face. I sat up with a gasp feeling like I was underwater for so long and someone just pulled me out.

I was still in the Harem on one of the couches with the girls still surrounding me and Bulbul right in front of me.

"Someone call the doctor" Bulbul yelled at the girls, a blonde girl was about to run but I stopped her before she could.

"No no there's no need, I'm fine," I said getting up and walking up to my room before anyone could say anything back.

When I reached my room I immediately changed into my sleeping wear and laid down under the covers even tho the sun was still up.

After god knows how long Cennet walked into my room. I looked out the window to see that it was pitch black and the moon was the only thing lighting up the room.

"The sultan asked for you," she said sounding almost like she was annoyed.

"Tell him I'm sick and can't go," I said back harshly and pulled the covers over my head.

"You're refusing the sultan?" She asked with amusement lacing her words.

"I told you I'm sick, you can ask the girls and Bulbul," I said back. She sighed before leaving closing the door behind her with a bang.

Third person's POV:

"She's sick you're highness and can't make it tonight," Cennet said watching the sultan carefully for his reaction.

"Is she okay?" Ahmed asked worriedly leaning forward in his seat on his desk.

"I asked around the Harem and they said that she fainted this afternoon" Cennet answered back.

Ahmed shot you from his chair walked over to the door, "bring the doctor and follow me" he said before walking out. Cennet sighed and before leaving after him but took a different way that'll lead her straight to the infirmary.

"MAKE WAY, SULTAN AHMED HAS ARRIVED," one of the Harem aghas said making the girls partway for the sultan and bow.

Rose POV:

I sighed annoyed as I heard the announcement of the Harem guy knowing that Ahmed was here for me, probably.

My suspicions were right because a second later my doors opened harshly and he walked in. I sat up ready to get up and bow but he raised his hand signalling me to stay put.

"What's wrong my Rose?" He asked sitting beside me on the bed with his front-facing me.

"Nothing" I answered back dryly trying not to show him how to hurt I was.

"Who hurt you my beautiful Rose?" He asked rubbing his fingers through my midnight black hair.

"You" I answered regretting it immediately. What if I offended him? What if he'll kill me for saying that?

"Me?" He asked raising his eyebrow as his fingers froze on top of my head.

"You didn't tell me you had a daughter and another child on the way," I said rubbing my fingers together and tears filled my eyes.

"And you're probably seeing me now because you're in a fight with Kosem Hatun," I said looking up at his eyes, they were empty, I was right I knew it.

"My Rose if I was with you because I was in a fight with Kosem then why do I not sleep unless you're in my arms? You've been here for almost two months and almost every night we've spent it together" he said smiling before placing a small kiss on my forehead which was kinda reassuring. The doors opened to show Cennet and a doctor walk in.

"Your highness can you please leave us for a minute," the doctor said, Ahmed nodded before leaving me alone with the doctor and Cennet.

After the doctor was done Ahmed walked back in and stood beside my bed as I fixed the top of my dress.

"What's wrong with her?" Ahmed asked looking at the doctor for an answer.

"Nothing your highness. Congratulations your favourite is pregnant" she said smiling at us.

Pregnant? Me? I don't know how to feel about this. If I bring him a girl I will probably be cast to the side like Mahiverouz. I don't want to lose his love yet, I've only had it for a while.

"Leave us," Ahmed said with the biggest smile on his face. "Cennet," he said making her stop in her tracks and look up at him.

"You know what to do," he said, she nodded before leaving and closing the door behind her gently this time.

Ahmed said down beside me this time with our shoulders rubbing, he placed his hand on my still flat stomach and rubbed it gently.

"What if I bring you a girl Ahmed?" I asked looking at him as I placed my hand over his making him stop moving it and turn it around to hold my hand.

"Then I will love her like I love Ayşe and I would love you the same," he said before placing a kiss on my forehead.

We laid down on the small bed cuddled up together not wanting to let go of each other just yet and slowly we drifted off in each other's arms.

A SULTANA'S LIFE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now