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A/N: She was sooo close to being saved by Elliott! So close but yet so far, right? What do you guys think will happen? Keep reading, vote, and enjoy fuckers! 💋



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  "Let me see the fucking message, Ryan, or so help me God I will smash a brick against your fucking skull so many goddamned times that no one will be able to tell brick fragment from brain fragment," I roared and everyone flinched from my tone, the chandelier above us shaking from my screams. He shook his head in defiance and I grabbed the back of his head, ready to smash it against the cement wall before I heard Oliver's voice speak up, "Cammie? Is that you?"

  I dropped my hold of Ryan and my jaw went slack as my eyes bulged from my head, waiting for Oliver to speak up and confirm what I think I just heard. Oliver jumped up from the couch and laughed as he put the phone on speaker, excitement shining in his eyes, "Cameron is on the phone, everyone! She's alive! She's okay!" My heart started racing in my chest as my feet cemented into the floor whilst everyone ran over to the phone.

My girl is okay? She's... alive?

   "Where are you? We're coming just tell me where you are!" Oliver all but shouted into the phone and her sweet, precious, angelic voice came back through the phone, "We're on the outskirts of M-"

  Then a very loud screeching and crashing sound came through the phone before it cut off completely, hanging up. My eyebrows furrowed as panic burrowed in my stomach, "Track the fucking number right now."

Oliver nodded as he ran out of the room to do as told and I noticed Ryan dropped the phone in which he was hiding from me. He realized what he had done as I snarled at him, grabbing it and pressing play on the video. It was from a blocked number and I couldn't reply to the message so I had no idea who sent it, what it was, or why it was sent in the first place. I didn't have a good feeling about it though so I felt nervous as I pressed the tiny play button on the phone screen.

   It was blurry at first, pixilated to all hell until I heard a very unfamiliar and masculine voice come through the line, "H-He's going to have to... kill me, C-Cammie." My brows furrowed in confusion until the video evened out and I noticed an unfamiliar man trembling in fear as he lied next to my girl, her arms cuffed to the bed as she looked terrified out of her mind; not to mention nude from the waist and up. She shook her head violently as she protested what the man said, tears pouring out of her gorgeous eyes, "J-Just do what he says, Luca, please."

  "Cute. Now, do as I say and undress her," I recognized Salvatore's grimy voice and noticed he was aiming a gun at this Luca man and his foot was bleeding profusely. This disgusting Salvatore creature is threatening another man to take advantage of my girl. My Cameron, being touched by another man unwillingly is enough to make my blood boil and my stomach churn. I skipped forward in the video a bit and noticed Luca was facing her vagina and I growled as I heard Salvatore's voice, "Use your fingers on the whore, Luca."

I skipped a bit more and heard her begging him to let him stop and I heard him groan as the video cut out what he said. I skipped a little bit more and heard his vile voice coming from behind the camera, "I love it when they beg, don't you agree King?" Her eyes widened as huge tears rolled down her face in pure fright, "No, do-don't you dare send that to him it'll destroy hi-"

   She was cut off by the camera shooting to her nether regions as he forced himself into her. I roared in anger and threw my gun at the wall, busting the gun in parts as it fell to the ground in shatters. She choked on her sobs as she screamed for help and he laughed at her as she pleaded for him to stop. She began bleeding profusely from the penetration; I felt vomit making its way up my throat as I threw the phone on the ground and made a bee-line towards the half-bath on the lower floor. I reached the toilet and spilled my guts into it.

 They hurt her. I'll murder everyone.

I screamed in anger as I stood up and punched the mirror, the glass shattering all around my fist. I heard fast footsteps run into the bathroom and Oliver's face peeked into the doorway, "She's in Michigan. Are you ready?"


   We busted through the hospital doors and I walked towards the desk, "Did a woman come in here by the name of Cameron Moore? She's small, gorgeous green eyes, super curly hair, British accent?"

  The lady at the front desk eyed me warily considering I had blood all over my broken up knuckles, "Relation?" I rolled my eyes, "Obviously I'm her husband, where the fuck is she?!" She flinched from my tone and began frantically typing on her computer, "Floor three, room eleven. She just got out of surgery an hour ago so she may still be asleep. Please only one visitor at a time, sir."

I looked back at Scout and she smiled softly at me, "You first, please. I... I need to prepare." I blew out a sharp breath as Oliver followed me towards the Elevator. I hit the third-floor button and paced in the small elevator whilst we waited for it to make its destination. Once we felt the abrupt stop and the doors opened, I bolted down the hallway looking desperately for room eleven. Oliver found the waiting room as I frantically searched for her room.

   I came up to the room and didn't hesitate to open the door and walk in. She was lying in the bed, hooked up to multiple machines as a doctor wrote things down on his clipboard; observing her vitals. He turned around and scanned me, "Husband or brother?"

  "First one, what's the news?" I asked as I took in her pitiful state. Her face was swollen, bruised, welted up and bloody and the rest of her body was covered with a blanket. He looked at her vitals which seemed to look good before turning around and shaking hands with me, "I'm Dr. Patel. She and two others arrived from a car crash. The elderly lady did not make it, however-"

"I don't give a shit, I asked about my girl," I seethed and his eyebrows raised, "She's severely malnourished. It's as if she's only had a bowl full of food in a month. She's also extremely dehydrated so we have her hooked up to plenty of fluids to help with both of those problems. Two of her ribs were broken and nearly punctured her left lung because of it. Her body is full of welts from what seems like a whip or a belt of some sort, she has bruises and cuts all over her as well as third-degree burns."

   "What the fuck..." I whispered and he frowned, "Because I'm well acquainted with your... job... I will not question things nor get the police involved. But I would like to keep her under observation for at least a day or two before she leaves-"

  "E-Elliott...?" I heard her sweet voice croak out and my heart started racing as I rushed to her side of the bed, "I'm here, mamas, what do you need?" She looked up at me with tears filling her eyes as a huge smile broke out onto her face, "Is it really you, El?" I nodded whilst my own eyes filled with tears and she reached over slightly, trying to hug me. I hugged her tightly until she winced from the pain and I apologized curtly before the doctor cleared his throat.

"The baby is also okay, although I'm not sure how considering all of the stress your body has gone through. You're almost a month and a half along-"

   "W-What?" Her voice whispered out, eyes widened and my brows furrowed, "Baby? What are you talking about?"

  "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you weren't informed already. You are two days shy of six weeks pregnant. Would you like some ultrasound pictures?" He asked and I snapped my head towards her, doing the math in my brain. Six weeks ago... that was Scout and Skye's wedding. We... we had unprotected sex in the shower. Oh my fucking God...

"I-I'm... pregnant?" She whispered out, still in disbelief as she looked at me and a huge smile broke out onto my face, "We are pregnant."

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now