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A/N: How did we feel about Cameron breaking the news to Elliott about their baby? Vote and enjoy, dudes!💋

A/N: How did we feel about Cameron breaking the news to Elliott about their baby? Vote and enjoy, dudes!💋

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Calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous.

  *Five months later*

   "This was the worst bloody mistake I've ever made in my life," I groaned as I tried desperately to relieve some pain from my lower back. I felt my baby kick around my ribs and I sighed as I put my hand on my tight belly, comforting him as Daniela picked through my curls in my hair, "You know... you're the one who decided to put the marriage date off until everyone was available."

  "Don't remind me," I grimaced as Skye continuously painted my makeup on my face.

I'm nine months pregnant and due to walk down the aisle in less than thirty minutes. I felt my hormones acting up as Elise walked through the door looking panicked. She didn't even have time to tell me what was wrong before I busted out in tears, possibly ruining all of the hard-work Skye had just done. She laughed at me, "Dude, I used waterproof so you're good." I cried harder in relief as Elise ran over to me, "Maggie can't find any orange juice!"

   I instantly grew angry at this information as I snatched my phone up and dialed Ryan's girlfriend's number. She answered on the first ring, frantically speaking, "I swear I've looked everywhere Cammie, but I can't find any- Oh my God I found some!" I sighed in relief, Skye dabbing my tears away with a kleenex, "Thank you, Maggie... you're a life saver." She laughed on the other end, "I'll be back in about ten minutes tops. Stop crying!" I laughed and thanked her whilst Scout came in with my dress, "Everyone is getting seated out front, put your dress on, sissy!"

  I nodded as my heart pounded and undid my robe, letting it fall so that the only thing I was wearing was my underwear and a strapless bra. I stepped into the dress, Scout holding it for me so that I wouldn't have to bend down and grab it. She zipped it up in the back and I looked at myself in the mirror. My baby bump was huge and the dress did not hide it.

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