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A/N: How did we feel about that argument between Elliott and Cameron? Weird, huh? Vote and enjoy, bitches!💋



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A dull ache of the soul; a sick pining; a spiritual anguish.

  I laughed as Scout threw her lemon slice at me for making fun of the sunburn on her arse. After calling the service, I ignored Elliott's attempts at apologizing and got on the boat by myself, speeding towards the shore where Danny and my sister were waiting patiently. Once I had stepped off of the boat, Danny slapped my arm and Scout cried in relief of me being alive.

  "Hey, it's not my fault you didn't listen to me when I told you to but on sunscreen," Danny laughed at Scout and I sighed as I looked at my phone. It's been thirty minutes since I left the villa and Skye isn't answering my texts asking where they are. They should've been here already. I told Daniela about Oliver getting shot in the arm and she called him immediately. He told her it barely hit his skin and he only needed a couple of stitches so don't freak out. The three of us were done eating already so I clicked on Oliver's number, but I got sent straight to voicemail.

Great. He let his phone die again.

  "I'm going to go back to the villa, El and I need to talk," I mumbled as I threw down my napkin and placed a tip on the table.

  "Okay, we're going to go to that outdoors club thing down on the beach. If you're feeling up for it, come back," Scout said with a soft smile and I nodded as I kissed hers and Daniela's cheek, "Love you girls, be safe and don't wander off alone." They nodded in agreement as I made my way back to the villa.

"Thanks," I said to the boatman and noticed the sun was starting to set. It looked absolutely beautiful and I smiled before walking inside the villa where I heard yelling and screaming.

   "I can't call Scout or Cameron, I don't have any fucking service!" I heard Skye shout from in the villa and I dropped my purse in a panic as I ran inside and then out onto the lounging deck. I noticed Oliver on his hands and knees desperately cleaning up a big puddle of blood. They were panicking and my eyes widened, "Where the hell is El?!" Skye's head snapped up to me, tears evident in her eyes. Oliver stopped his chore abruptly to look at me like I just bit off his head, "Cammie... I-I..."

  "Where is he?" I asked shakily. I had the world's worst feeling that the blood Oliver was just cleaning belonged to Elliott. Skye shook her head, "I don't- I-"

"I asked where he was," I seethed angrily, impatient tears spilling over my eyes, "I won't ask again."


   "Oh my God, we just heard. Is he okay? Oli, what happened?" Danny asked breathlessly as she and Scout busted through the door as I stared blankly at the floor, my breathing scarily normal as the sound of Oliver's voice was drowned out by a white static taking over my hearing. My eyes darted to my left hand that was digging into my thigh and casually drawing blood from my nail marks. The diamond ring on my ring finger was shining so bright, contrasting against how dull I feel at the moment.

  Elliott was shot a couple of centimeters away from his heart, undergoing surgery currently. He's not stable at all, they've already had to restart his heart once during surgery. He's my fiancé... he's my best friend... I'm supposed to marry him, have children with him... I'm supposed to grow old with him and die as old lovers with him... But right now he's in the hospital clinging to his life due to the fact that he wasn't being watched. He was cleaning up the lounging area by himself while Oliver and Skye were doing only God knows what.

"Cammie?" I heard the echoed voice of my sister. I heard everyone calling my name and I looked up, my sound coming to as my eyes fixated on Oliver. I grabbed the arms of the chair to help myself stay sitting, glaring at my best friend. His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion from my hard, angry glare, "Cameron? Are you okay?"

   "Where were you?" I whispered, tears begging to fall but I blinked them back. Oliver looked even more confused from my question and I stood up to match his height, only coming to his chin whereas I come to only El's chest.

  "What are you talking about, Cammie?" Daniela asked as she grabbed my shoulder, trying to calm me down but I yanked myself from her grasp, my eyes still zeroing on her boyfriend.

"Where. Were. You." I asked through gritted teeth and he bowed his head in shame, "I-I... Skye and I were downstairs... taking pictures of the sharks and fish..."

   "So you weren't there? You were taking pictures... of fish? While Elliott was getting murdered upstairs... only moments after the attempted assassination we girls had to flee?" I spit out in disgust and he nodded in shame, "Cammie, we thought it was over, we thought-"

  "I don't give... two flying fucks what you thought. Get out. Get out, now," I snarled, a lone tear spilling out the side of my eye as I kept my angry glance on my best friend.

"Cameron, stop, he didn't know," I heard my sister say in disbelief and I shook my head as I continued talking to Oli.

   "He was your best friend and you thought everything was cleared?! You're supposed to be smart! He's your best friend and your partner, you're supposed to have this back... yet you were taking pictures of bloody fish?! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!" I screamed as I punched his chest, making him stumble back towards the door.

  "Cameron, Cameron, stop!" Daniela shrieked and Skye grabbed her shoulders, "Let her, she's angry. She's allowed." I pushed him out of the door and turned to Skye, "You're damn right I'm allowed."

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now